Show I I I I I I Child Goes to S. S U U. For Up Operation era tion BEAVER Warren BEAVER Warren Bevy Sevy White 10 son of Mr and Mrs Harvey Har White v elf f f I II I this city who ho was thrown from a horse I June 9 and has remained in an unconscious unconscious un un- conscious state since was taken Monday Monday Monday Mon Mon- day to Salt Lake by his mother and Mrs Samuel O. O White Jr his aunt lIe He was taken to the Childrens Children's hospital hospital hos- hos pital where an operation will be performed performed per per- formed to remove a clot of blood which t I Is believed to be pressing on the right t I j side of the brain The left side of the childs child's body bOOy Is paralyzed I t f Miss Mary of the Zion I Canyon boarding house was a visitor during the Fourth celebration The I lady says It is surely a treat to come up lIere here to Cedar where here one can get i at least a breath of cool air occasion- occasion I l ally aUy While here she was as a guest cf M Mr r La Lorenzo renzo Adams |