Show Freight Bill Striking evidence of the heavy de demands demands demands de- de mands made annually on the railroads by automobile manufacturers came to light yesterday with the announcement announcement announcement announce announce- ment of C. C R. R general traffic director of Chevrolet Motor Company that mat the company's freight bill bUl for 1928 representing Inbound and outbound shipments for 16 domestic plants totaled more than This was an Increase of more than over the 1927 bilLIn bill In making mating the announcement Mr revealed that the 1928 bill covered the movement of carloads carloads carloads car car- loads of freight totalling pounds Exclusive of this poundage Mr declared there was an additional addition addition- al pounds of less than carload carload carload car car- load freight pounds shipped by express and Of our total freight shipment for last year year ea car loads were Inbound and outbound The outbound shipments Included finished automobiles automobiles automobiles automo automo- biles and pounds of export traffic Mr Scharf in conclusion complimented complimented compU- compU the railroads on their splendid cooperation and constantly increasing efficiency I I a. a |