Show Were Not Carriers Of Disease Readers will remember at the time of the death of Jean Watson from meningitis that a lear fear was held that the relatives of the girl Mr and Mrs A. A H. H of Santa Banta Monoca California California Cali Cali- fornia who had visited a few days might be previous pre to Jeans Jean's illness carriers of the disease germs E. E E. E Williams grandfather of Jean and father of Mrs Whitworth phoned Mr and Mrs Whitworth to have their family physician take cultures for a test as to whether or not they might have carried the germs In accordance with Mr Williams William's request this was done and a report from the the- doctor who made the test emphatically states that the couple had no signs of colonies of meningitis germs FollowIng Following Following Follow Follow- ing is t the e report given to Mr and Mrs Whitworth by Dr Alfred A. A Koshy of Santa Monica California April 11 11 1929 Mr E. E E. E Williams Cedar City Utah Dear Sir I obtained cultures from the throats Monday April 8 8 1929 from Mr A. A II H. Whitworth Mrs A. A H. H Whitworth Lois Hansen and Miss Alice Williams to attempt to determine If they harbored harbored harbored har har- bored the in their I found no suspicious colonies of organisms resembling the cus in any of these persons The cultures cultures cultures cul cul- tures were obtained by using protected swabs curved from the roof of the pharynx No agglutination tests were made Yours truly ALFRED A. A KOSKY M. M D. D Pathologist Santa Monica Hospital |