Show County Dads Hold Busy Session April AprilS 8 and Transact Much Business a v Refuse to sign Agreement With State Road Commission Commission Commission Com Com- mission for Road near Beaver County Line Line Line- Auditor Ordered to Publish Complete Financial Statement The regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners for the month of April was held on Monday the th day of April and the following business was transacted Mr H. H C C. C Parcells abstractor ask the Board Doard to allow a compromise settlement settlement settlement set set- of the taxes on the SW i NEi of Section 6 8 6 Twp 34 South Rge 9 West S. S L. L M. M It is explained that this property was now owned o by Mr Gus Gillins but had been assessed inthe Inthe in inthe the name of Ralph B. B Meyers for the year 1917 in connection with other land and had been sold to the County for taxes of or that year ear After carefully considering the matt matter matter mat mat- t ter r the County Treasurer was authorIzed authorized authorized author author- to accept the taxes without in interest interest interest in- in terest and costs in full settlement of the taxes and the County Auditor instructed in instructed in- in to issue an Auditors Auditor's Tax Deed to Mr Gillins or to any person he may direct The County Assessor and County Road Supervisor reported that they in connection with Commissioner Williams Williams Williams Wil Wil- liams had met on the grounds involved In connection with th the application of Mr Wm H. H Grimshaw asking permission permission permission sion to run an Irrigation ditch along the County Road near his land it Mid- Mid reported further that valley alley They such a ditch would not be and I that Mr Grimshaw was negotiating for fora for the ditch elsewhere a way right that The Road Roal Supervisor super also reported the necessary culverts had been put inthe InI in inthe the alley Midvalley road to allow the highwater highwater highwater high- high I water to pass under the road at proper prop prop- i er places The Assessor also reported had surveyed for the fence rence for fora forI that chat he for a road I IJ way I a ri way right J i The matter of signing a a. operative co-operative agreement with the State Road Commission Commission Commission Com Com- mission for tor the construction of about 2500 ft it of or road at the Beaver County CountyLine CountyLine CountyLine Line to connect the old road up with a Federal Aid Project In Beaver Deaver County was considered The State proposed to construct this road on a 50 basis and that the County had made application application application cation to have the road constructed on a basis of 26 20 per cent for the County County County Coun Coun- ty and 74 7 per cent for the State The County Clerk was instructed to return return re Te- turn tum the operative co-operative agreement to the State Road office and explain that the County Commissioners did not see fit to sign same in its present condition The County Attorney was Instructed to commence condemnation proceedings proceed proceed- proceedings ings for procuring way right-of-way for the changes of or the State Road at the South entrance through Paragonah and at atthe atthe atthe the end of the Little Creek lane north of Paragonah In case the County Commissioners Commissioners Commissioners Com Com- missioners were unable to make a satisfactory satisfactory satis satis- I factory settlement with the property owners effected by th these se changes chance The County Assessor conferred with the County Commissioners regarding valuations to be placed on on various classes ot of property for 1929 assessment purposes He lIe mentioned particularly the land located south and west of ot the New Castle Reclamation Company Canal He lIe was instructed to use his Judgment in the matter but to be careful to assess property of or similar character equal The matter of repairing the County Road between New Castle and Washington Washington Wash Wash- ington County line Une was again discuss discuss- ed The County Road Supervisor and Continued on Page Five Phe DADS HOLD nOLD BUSY SESSION Continued from Page One Commissioner Bevy Sevy were ere instructed to togo togo togo go over the road with ith Washington County Officials and if proper cooperation oper co co oper- oper anon in tn repairing the same road in hi Washington County could be had to repair this road in a reasonable way A delegation of citizens consisting of Albert Mathis Elmer Taylor Tavor and Oeo Ceo from the town of New liar Itar- mony In tn Washington County met with the Board having been invited to doso do doso doso so by the Commissioners to see about finishing the road from New Harmony running alon along the County line between Iron ron and Washington Counties and connecting with the State Road a few miles mUes south of It was decided decided decided de de- de- de that the first thing to do dl was for or procure deeds for the right right-of- way right ay for the roads The committee was in informed informed Inv in- formed that when the right of was procured that the county would be willing to do more work on the road to make it safe and passable On application of the residents of oi Hamlin Valley VaHey an appropriation of was made to be exp expended nl i with witha a like Uke amount of donation labor to Improve improve improve Im im- prove the Hamlin Hamin Valley VaHey road The County Auditor W. W Clair Rowley Row Row- i ley icy explained to the Commission that thai he had published the annual financial statement of the county for the year 1928 but hut in the interest of economy had bad hadnot hadnot not published a statement of each warrant warrant warrant war war- rant issued to whom and on what account ac account account ac- ac count to comply compy with Article 7 7 Chapter Chapter Chapter Chap Chap- ter 63 session Laws of Utah 1927 He stated that before incurring such ex expense expense ex- ex pense pease he desired to confer with the thi County Commissioners but that the thi statement was prepared and with their thel sanction it would woud be published The Thi County Auditor was instructed to pub lub- liss such statement The County Clerk and County Treasurer Treasurer Treas Treas- user requested that the County Commissioners Com Corn missioners authorize the conducting o of ofa a public audit of the books and records record of Iron County from Dec 31 31 1927 which is the date to which they had been previously audited to March 1929 It was explained explain explain- ed that it had been necessary to make some entries to correct balances shown as being being correct at the time the last i audit was completed and they would like Uke to have a public audit made to verify the correctness of the balances as corrected The County Clerk was instructed to get estimates as to the cost of such audit and present it at the next meeting at which time action will be taken The Treasurer was authorize authorized to tomake tomake tomake make a settlement on taxes on Lot 3 and a fraction of Lot 2 2 and Lot 44 It and fraction of Lot 1 Block 1 1 Plat A Summit Town assessed in the name of George I. I Smith and A. A T T. Lawrence in 1925 for a consideration of 2222 it if same is s paid within a reasonable length of time The appointment of J. J JB fl B Carpente Carpenier r as deputy sheriff by J J. J T. T Leigh Sheriff Sheriff Sher Sher- iff ft was approved by the Commission ers era The application of Melba Webb fo for r help from the County Dependant t Mothers fund was considered Action Actio n on same was deferred for one month mont h pending investigation of her circumstances circumstances circumstances circum circum- stances by the County Attorney The application of Mrs Margaret Heyborne for additional help from th the e County Indigent Fund was also referred referred referred refer refer- red to the County Attorney to Invest gate I |