Show School News el 01 o oA elA A general committee including Alta Biederman representing the Board of Control Wayne Bryant Brant of the ninth grade Elma Corry of the eighth grade and Paul Carpenter of the se seventh grade was in charge of preparations preparations preparations pre pre- for the Students annual Canyon day trip held Friday to Basket ball awards and honor student student student stu stu- dent awards have been received and will be presented in assembly The honor student award will go to the student in the ninth grade who in the opinion of the faculty has displayed outstanding school spirit and other qualities of oC a good student Jo o lot lot- I Faculty members of the grades and Junior High enjoyed a week end trip to Zion Saturday and Sunday About twenty-three twenty people were in the party party party par par- ty and while at Zion a meeting meeting meeting meet meet- ing was held with the teachers of the Fillmore high school at which a program program program pro pro- gram was given by members o of of both schools Frank Morgan was general chairman of the trip and Edna Snow was chairman of the food committee and some very very effective work Vork was done by the committees |