Show Woman M Marine Engineer Queen Victorias Victoria's goddaughter Miss Mies Victoria Drummond recently obtained her ticket ns liS a tully fully qualified seagoing sea Ilea going marine marina engineer Miss Mis Drummond Drum Drum- mond Is the granddaughter of ot Lord Amherst of Hackney She became Interested Interested In In- In engineering and after otter nn On- her studies learned that to ob obtain tale tain n a certificate she sho had to serve the till required time In to an nn engine room at atla sea la She Sho sinned signed on n ship going ong tn to Australia lIn In 1022 She stood her watch inspected boilers kept the at work and p nil all the tho duties required required re reo re- re of ot her male colleagues She he hits not hOt decided dell whether site she will con continue I going to son sea now no that she has the covet coveted id license licence or remain on III shore and up UJ the work of ot a consulting marine engineer 1 |