Show A Regular Hatcher Butcher One day little I etty heard h her r mother moth mothS or er giving gl a n detailed account of or n a recent re- re r cent tonsil operation to un an afternoon j I caller I Yes I had hUll n a perfectly dreadful r time My Iy doctor was n regular butcher butch I. I cr er er said Buld Mrs Jt ll- ll To ro her lIer surprise a n few days later late she he ahe overheard o the following conversa Uon between her small daughter am and a little tittle neighbor girl Some Somo do day I nm Inn going to have my tonsils taken out Are you going to th the hospital Ilk like my ml sister Bister did No replied Petty Betty I nm am Just going go 10 In lag ing down dow to the butcher shop where t mother had hers cut out outs outs' 11 News |