Show I Popular Idea About H Is I. Wrong The Is II a small and harmless harm hann- less snake of at the s south uth Atlantic states called so-called because of at the potion ascribed to the buckland negroes ii iT Hiat t tit it cunes curves It Itself elt Into a hoop takes Its U. I tall Into its mouth and rolls rolls' along at ata ata ata a m merry clip Some of the naturalists who contribute papers to the columns of ot the of of Folly oil devoted much attention a while back to the reputed reputed re re- habits babUs of this creature but despite these learned gentlemen the does much of ot his traveling I underground burrowing deeply Into the soil soli lie He Is a ml rather her good looking good looking I snake with a blue black back marked with three red lines and an under side I I I of the shade called nude dappled dopple la Ia Mack Cleveland lain D Dealer alu I I I |