Show ID I LE ISLAND STORY FROM THE START STARTOn On th the verge veri rg of ot nervous cot cot- lapse du due 10 to overwork tray liar Ue Oe- lane Una New York artist eek rest reit at Idle Island laland She rents rent a s cottage the Lone Pine from an aD D Island bland character the Captain and his hll deter Alice Allee Andover administrator Oa Oay finds find the cottage Is la tenanted by byan byan byan an elderly lid lady who consents consent ent to move to an another another an other abode the Apple Tree Awaking from elect alep slay flay Oa Imn In Ines she h he seen nee u the face tace of at a Chinaman China man peering In the window She Mt settles nettles down In 11 her new home anticipating months of or well well- earned earne n rest iu and recuperation On Onan Onan an nn exploration of It the liland laland Ony on the Ih seashore In Ic horrified hor rifled by the al appearance of ot the th drifting body of or n R drowned drowne m men man n. n which she dhe nerves herself to bring brinK to 10 the there shore A bullet wound In the temple shown the th theman man to have hove been murdered Gay her way WRY to the Captain with the story elOry with him to the shore hor they find and no nobody holy hOlly here there and nRY tory etory or of orthe the Incident In I. set ret down to 10 an of or nerves CHAPTER IV Continued IV-Continued Continued oS 3 i I is Ills Ibis the quiet good goad little place they brag brag about she asked herself Where here they IhlY come corne and steal dead bodies from hOllies from under tinder your our very ery eyes eye limit Both tears nail lou laughter came at al the tile notion Hut In spite pile of nt het attempt to 10 be hI facetious and uncoil cerneil she was highly nervous and quite unstrung A sudden clear call Hallo iloilo there from behind startled her Into a frightened scream and she he sprang 10 to tier her feet Quite beyond power of ot reason as nA she was the lIc call hind had seemed scented II led to 10 come corne from the volle valley of death Glancing up she saw on the piazza of the Little club a man mon who leaned leune nut over mIr the roiling railing and beckoned to 10 tier her He lIe wn a n stranger tron lr she knew nt at once one olle of the summer people no native e sonI son sun I 1 beg bel join your I he called pleasantly but will you kindly show me rue the way n down dawn I cannot rind find the path There Is no path There Therl Is no way woy down Hut lint i I bp beg your pardon you ore are down are you not noU Gay Oay smiled HP tip at ot him Yes but I slid right down dawn those steep rocks and It II Is hard sliding I assure you I am nm corning up Ul I 1 will show you the way vay through the woods and the lane Inne will lead you Oil direct to 10 the landing I go o Walt fur for me I He Ill crossed from the piazza to the top of the rocky cliff lilT and waited to assist her lost ending with a II few steps to give phe he her a 0 hand blind when she had bad gained that lint height Nice ilce little shack attach he Ile sold ta taPPing the nattier corner of or the Little club as ns they passed glare M you sketching It No 0 I t was sketching sketching- Oh listen I 1 flay Oay stopped short mid and turned toward him eagerly A sudden longing for tor sympathy h for understanding the reaction reaction re re- re- re action of ot one of her own tJ kind ID In tier ber er emotional strain overwhelmed o her bet betIn helIn herIn In a n torrent of ot words staring darkly larky h Into lo his Ids Interested d eyes IS lay ay told him the whole story tory of I the he holy body that had hod come to 10 Ii her er on the Ihl wines S I lie he wound In III the temple the Ihl line white while hands how she ht hurl hud pone gene for fur help hell and re re- to If tind It It II gone fly lv George n what lutt o d story he hI said I 1 suppose the tide car cor I ried it nil Willie while you yon were away you ou U see we she shu he admitted fairly talc fair I ly the Ihl Ihle Ilde really I pulled the Ihl above the 1111 water venter II line Ilse Ill f The he Ii title Ilde I reach him hero That's the Ito strangest thin about It It He lie put Pitt out Oil hl Ills his 1 hand deeply ly Inter liller- sled 11 fur for till the sketch and she he showed It II eagerly her hei eyes eje still ll ed upon hl hN his ay s. face hole Oh l h by v hearse that I 1 Is 1 tine work wink be hI sold warmly hlll hat n II I hal Whal a n nit tole-nit h nonsense III I jou 11 1 could never Ir inn le up 1111 stub n figure of 11 course you jon 11 siw I W It Vhal U are uie 11 yon jon 11 I. I lo III do tI t II Ii this Ibis I I 1 1111 scud st-Hil It II to lit hit Hie police pullet department depart I ment I think Tim that I buy lon bi-lon to I II I the Uie Ill police pollee can cuu IrO u ir-u-e t Ii him I It II will v I I I relieve 1 some II hearts li a ii sad 1111 relief It II will hi be ho They on together II the ibe sham tr er still Mill ln tilt the sketch Llam liu at III II it often with I- I tes II'S IS I'S t you nii 11 ruttier rather hate to In get up III In lu Ill Mich auh nu an there Then will 1111 be he an nn nt IIII nt nt least an nn In hi InI and ami you jou w will III be bt pilled culled as ns n a I witness Mild and Ob nh hi there will be he no nil trouble Double about It II It Is la lolI obviously I. suicide suicide- It II I I murder h he cor tor rested reeled gently The rite 11 p. p or hap night ho lime hoI I shut himself f or might have p drowned Irm hi himself Not nl 01 both Ua lily Mopped suddenly again n Tine True she sold Raid faintly I know it II I so au Kurd liard not 1101 even en to think of nf of murder liar Her fare face wn was white 11 Ill I wish 1111 you Oil would give he this tits to me be lie sold said persuasively tOr Or Or sell It to II ate rather for I 1 eon can see that your pencil IH Is your profession I be hI glad to In buy It I can un ninke make n u rl ripping rip pins ping story Mory of It I nm nut In work and I eon can do wonders with this I will I l I huwe It II photographed It If you 1111 III like Ilke nn pal trod o 1 copy olY to 10 th the police nay flay fUt hed out oot quickly anti took the till pad I connot do that thul she chic an sali lii firm firmly t feel fel responsible tor for the tile thing I foe feel as though I 1 I cr led tell By ETHEL HUESTON Copyright 1927 by br The Bobba Bobbs Merrill Merrill Co Ca I down that thol hard and painful path on OD purpose to receive It the It poor body swept t to my very feet teet It U seems to tomake tomake make moke me his me-his his avenger dont don't you yon see I dare say you Jon think me very childish but I feel tell that this has hns been lent sent straight to me mp end and I cannot hade evade It I am aID sorry But Dut I 1 must do It If my my- self Suddenly they had hall cleared the for fort est eat and ond stood on the brow of the bill hili The Lone was OS directly nt ot band bond This Is my cottage she lie said suli Just cro cross I right down t the le Ie slope eloper to the lone lane and follow It d down wn wn to 10 the pier I arn sorry lOrry about th the drawing but you see how It Is le Oil Ob you yu are quite right of f course It has hDA been very ery fascinating meeting you like this I wish there w was s some some someplace pi place nee we could go for ten tea ten ten- There 1 I is a n pin place e There or are lots lotsof lotsof of ot places The island Is Is' Is full tull o ok of tea leu Hut I t shant shan't go thanks Marching off oIT to tea ten with a 0 Perfect SI Stranger In the Hood Gaud Little Island would be tie even even more snore dunning than the discovery ery of ofa a o nonexistent corpse Even I worse worle I think than thon living atone alone whirl which seems the very ery of ot depravity lt here It II ItI Its s M I a aw r w I a r 1 f l A 1 L Descending ill a Few Steps Stepi to Give Hera Her Hera a Hand ant to 10 It It makes make women They think that's what Is wrong with me living alone What do they advise An orphan for tor adoption or a n husband for tor attach ment Heaven knows Uhf anyhow I shouldn't live lUe alone She laughed pleasantly Rood Good by I say MY It with sorrow for you seem almost one of ot my own owa own tie lie held out his hand and end GUY Gay dropped hers In It Good Good GlOd by The best besl of ot luck to you For myself I wish what no better hetter luck than the Joy of seeing you OU again Now Xo now she he reproved d him shill smil tag ing Dont latter flatter Consider the stately pines the rugged const coast and the Ille surging surf I Flattery doesn't go with Ith the Good flood Island It II doesn't go with you jou ou either I 1 assure you I moan mean all every vel word of ot It Come ome soon ROon good luck lurk h by Guy walked I toward Inward the lone LOlle Pine PIlle smiling He tie was It laid had bon been nice nIco It t tie the momentary contact with h one of ot her own ova kind kitH Iut the smites smiles died on her lips us ns she he turned Ihl be dour door of Ih the lone Ione fine The house seemed still Mill lil big empty Very still The Tho stillness ns I II like ke death Goy Gay thought ht of the sea washed sen-washed washed holly body with gleaming hands Hung flung out nut he Ill neath the waves 18 unit shuddered She dill did not look book nt lit the Ihl drawing on nn the first page pue of ot her sketch bunk book hut but thrust 1 the pad quickly quit quid My I Into loto the drawer of If the dl desk k and closed It tight Sale Sie grew Ire Increasingly III ill at ot ease us Ill du dusk k descended and on a u sudden Impulse nt lit lii lust st went I out nut quickly ran i down the bill hill and called celled to Aunt Aunt Wont you rou keep a poor timid nervous nerv new newous ous OUI old maid all night she asked pleadingly I dont don't want to stay alone Ive I've got the you the you know know- My Aly house bouse Is he haunt ed Im I'm afraid of ot ghosts and things Do you think It was Just a ghost gave gate her a cozy chair al mid and d made mode her a Q cup of tea That IMI was WUI unfailing resource In In rose ease of or nerves ner Now drink your tea ten dearie and dont don't soy say soya n a word about Well We'll have havea a n nice cozy evening e like Just a 0 party She was evidently determined d to 10 soothe Goy Gay determined ed to humor hum her keep kep her quiet She petted her talked pleasantly of Inoue inane and pleas pleas- pleasant ant things When at lust last they mode rendy ready to retire for tor the night she said suld Gay Joy Joys s uld have hn the solitary bed and slip she herself would sleep Bleep on the Ibe couch afraid of me me I 1 do believe Gay Goy thought to herself She wants the room bel between US us In case I turn violent let Her lips twitched with amusement nt at the thought as she crept between the white covers turned out the lights and went about the room from window win dow to window raising the blind When she came to the window that tho showed the Lone Pine Pineal at al the top th the bill she gave a n sudden little ex Did fOu you I leave ove a tight light on she asked No Nol I With a bound Gay Oay WOI was out of ot bed and at her side by the window both staring up the hill hili at t the cot Cage tage From the wide window of the living room there showed a round I circle of ot misty light tight pale wavering watering and ond uncertain but a light I Its rio no earthly light Gay Goy said moodily Its a ghost I 1 tell you yo the spirits are abroad this night Say ay what you like queer things are going on I J feel It I 1 am all nil creepy and and oh oh look I Oh It Is the hand I Oh h I Iller Her ller voice votre sank away breathlessly Watching suddenly outlined In the misty orb OIb of or light had hod been the reflection reflect reneI lion tion of a hand reaching out slim shadowy anti ghastly I ItIs It ItIs itis Oh Oh Guy Gay murmured sickly oh oli Is his nand bond I t was shaken shoken tier Her arm orm beneath Gays Gay's hand trembled Gutshe Gut BUI she was firm She dill not believe In ghosts I l saw sow It she said weakly Ii Irv was just the reflection o. o oj nt Ca a leaf or a n spray of twigs moving In In tl e the wind Look It Is gone gone There Is n no light there Is 3 no hand hund It was the light from a boat bont reflecting against the leaves Just a reflection deans dearie They often otten fool me me slave Have It your own way woy Gay Goy said suld moodily Call It a leaf If you like Ilke I call It a n hand hond his handl hand hane l I 1 think think maybe maybe I will sleep with you rou said faintly Gay Cay laughed then and squeezed the little figure gayly as os she clambered 10 Into to bed beside her rather toke take a chance chonce on me turning violent than thon be by yourself when the spirits walk wouldn't you ou she teased You shouldn't su such say things reverent They arose early and after a quiet breakfast Gay Guy kl kissed ed thanked her und and set out for home barns offered litTered to go 10 with her hut but she he refused bravely ely smiling Oh no I rub nin not afraid now It Is daylight Spirits lire are nil all nicely hack Juck In lit their snug little graves grup again She went up to the cottage un unlocked unlocked locked the door and entered the room Over O It lay loy the quiet little hush thai that broods In III an on empty house Hut Bul she sill was 09 not afraid Uteri Even when she saw that Hint the window v shades In the II thin 11 ving room were wre lowered towered to 10 the bottom she was not afraid a n l I I didn't pull them down dOWD she slip sold said aloud been because use I went out before dark dork Oh wells well Perhaps I did dd II It from tram habit without thinking lIeue knows I hat bed other things on m mT mind She sat down at ot once to her ber desk dest destt It ft t was ber her plan 1100 to go to the elt city 0 01 oa the first boat boot to relieve herself of aU n responsibility In the matter motter And then suddenly site she decided that she abe would not Dot go at all oil but write Instead She would describe the en entire tire roil dent to 10 the last detail enclose ber her sketch and that would be an end of ot It She reached Into the drawer and anil pulled pulle 1 out ut paper envelopes and aM h her r sketching pod pal To measure for the size she opened the pat pad patto to remove the drawing The page that met her eyes was ws virginal and ond white no 00 pencil line to 10 mar Its purity Gs jay Cay turned the I pad nd about In her land hUM studying It slowly and ond then the Bhe turned every everi page one cne after the nth er and examined every one lne The page had been neatly extracted from the book and her pent pen lied sketch of ot the this scene In the tile cove e w wm teat not there Its disappearance settled the Tir of 01 the Utile cove as far us as Ii IT was concerned With nothing to ih- ih her seemingly wild stu story j she felt the l legs I said of It the bener Gay Gar knew h however w er that she was Hie- Hie subject of endless discussion endless neighborhood J wit In 10 tier her absence and OM ands for tor a n few tew days she confined herself nt III largely ns os possible to the seclusion of 01 her cottage One ODe afternoon perhaps a week after tl tier lier r discovery and betrayal In the the e suddenly of her work she she hoyed h pd the he easel Into the corner nail ond decided to clean house Hastily she bundled her slim tJ ve Into a great bungalow v apron that model made a fat tat and stodgy housewife of ot other her her twisted a bright silken scarf scort tar tur about her small head and ond f tell fell to work She dusted she swept she rearranged rearrange With brush and poo pan In hand hondo the che was VlIS on or her knees at the fireplace coughing distastefully with wIt 11 the dust of ot ashes as she cleared out lh Uie cinders lnders of If lost nights night's driftwood when wilen suddenly a hand hond slipped he- he t neat neath h her ber chin from behind tilting her head backward while two firm lips pressed pressel down on hers from above pressed firmly warmly for one long breathless moment And then a n tremendous |