Show Records Unsurpassed passed In Light Car Field FieldIn Ol loi OlIn In presenting Ju the perfected line of of Whippets at new low Jow prices that pl place placeit ce it in direct competition with the lowest low low- est eft priced cars ears executives of the Overland Willys-Overland Overland Company declare that never before in the history of the automobile industry industry especially especially in the light four cylinder field has field has a near acar car set such a long list of notable records as 81 the Whippet These records records rec rec- made over a period of 18 months since the original presentation of this modern modem light car cover every phase phased cf of test and in each instance the Whip pet has set such a high standard of performance that it is accorded the quality leadership in the American light car field In addition to the special t tests that w were re made the Whippet also has established an unusual performance record in the hands of more than O owners who have proven the Whippet stamina speed power and economy of operation over a combined ed total of a half billion miles of travel The following are cited as a few of the outstanding accomplishments of the Whippet Cannonball Baker drove a Whippet from coast to coast a distance of miles averaging a miles to the gallon of fuel This record was was made under the official observation of the A. A A A. A A. A Ed Hughes drove a Whippet from froma a point in Death Valley 28 1 feet below below be be- low sea level to a point in White Mountains 13 feet above sea sealevel sealevel sealevel level the highest point ever rea reached bed by any automobile on the Pacific Coast Ten thousand persons saw a Whippet Whip pet climb the trackless Stone Mountain Mountain Moun Moun- tain near Atlanta Ga The Whippet et was the first light car to accomplish the climb Only three cars have ever made the grade the other two being much larger and more expensive mobiles In a speed run from Atlanta to Macon Ga a Whippet avera averaged ed 48 miles miltS an hour Traveling 1845 miles from Canala Canada to Mexico a Whippet averaged miles to the galt gallon o of gasoline |