Show A YOUNG LIBRARY best ten american books selected by a prominent Irom luent anthor thomas entworth wintworth V higginson in an article to in vember november no ladles ladies rome home journal prints a list of books by american anthore I 1 which he regards as a the best works tor for young gl girls als of 0 fifteen se he conid considers ders the attractive attract lre ire and interesting features of books in ranking making up his bis list as he ha holds that literary instruction should be presented in its most palatable and inviting form to youth in naming the best ten books fo for young ing girls rau mr higganson luson says at the head d of all available books blobs tor for american girls whether to create the love of reading or to gratify it must be placed of course miss alcott Al cotts s little women the young girls ir 13 themselves will place it there if we fo do not and there ts Is really no object len to be made to this prominence beyond some occasional instances of slang blang or slovenly expression with it may be classed though per perhaps ha written for somewhat younger readers MM mass as jane andrews amdrews immortal abe the seven little sisters who live on the round ball that floats in the air a book which has tor for the first time brought it home to multitudes of young people that they arr am the citizens not werely merely of a nation but of a planet we may then pass a to four classic works by classic american a authors hawthorner Haw wonder book Long fellows evangeline lowells vision of sir Lann Laun fal and Whit tiers snowbound snow bound with a little less sense bense of perfect security we may add irving sketch book irs coopers rast last of the mo hilans and mrs Sto ivea uncle toms cabin the last two hav haeng ng this especial value that they introduce 1 two tivo new rac races into literature and won ut at once an international fame this makes alne of the first t ten en and dr hales tea times one in ten seems almost providential as to the utness fitness of its title and may rightfully find its way in |