Show LOOKING BACKWARD WITH this number of the broad ax we shall have completed our second year of journalistic life two years ago without friends money subscribers or advertisers we issued no 1 of vol I 1 of our little paper and from that time to the present it has made its a appearance p pe arance regularly each week and today it is perused by a great many of the brightest and the brainiest brai niest men and women throughout our cur i new state of utah it is sought after and eagerly read by congre s men and other leading ta men of the nation it has assisted in championing the cause of the common people in one of the greatest political i battles which was ever waged in this our common co country antry it was the first to hoist the name of that great leader of the new de for president of the united states the hon W J bryan and that gentleman wrote a short editorial comment on the bright appearance of the broad ax aich which appeared in the omaha world herald december 14 1895 it has ever b been e en the earnest champion for the restoration of the money of the co constitution n it lias has endeavored to advance the interest of the people of our city and state it has been fearless and outspoken on all the leading topics and questions of the day it has never hesitated in denouncing n those who have attempted to ride over the rights and the liberties of the common people it has been our greatest est aim to bring about a friendly feeling between the white and the negro races and we have demonstrated beyond a doubt that if a member of the negro race is capable of i imparting parting in any knowledge to the white man which he does not already possess posses the white man is is willing to compensated compensate the negro for such knowledge immediately after the ath of march 1897 we intended to increase n the size of our paper and im improve it in many other ways but the promised prosperity failed to strike our beautiful sho shores res and we are therefore compelled to jog along in the same old rut until after we can succeed in electing a free silver president we sometimes feet feel abashed over the einsig ra ant appearance of the broad ax but when we mingle with our numerous friends and readers and hear the kind expressions which they utter in behalf of our effort in trying to td uphold the true of democracy our courage cou rage is is renewed and we permit to entertain the idea that i it t is not always the largest paper which can and which does accomplish the greatest good among the people since we began our P publication publication we iia lave zot succeeded in becoming extremely w wealthy although we ll 11 to beep out ont of the lards hands 6 ahe sheriff and andee the constable and ancl in conclusion we de our gratitude L to the many nobler I 1 lemen le men and women of utah U h ams am 4 s 7 a S states who ao 70 so genau of I 1 at far f L a abai r isa WK W K ding w to sus f a on I 1 4 Ss |