Show AUCTION SALE Hoi Hoi- Three fine work horses will be sold old to the highest bidder at 12 o'clock noon July Fourth In front of the J. J P P. Fuller Building MAMMOTH PLASTER CEMENT CE COMPANY Advertisement July 3 Iol Have you visited Zion Canyon Canon Cedar Cedar Cedar Ce Ce- dar Breaks or Bryce Rent a car carand carand carand and see aee these attractions DALLEY JUDD Advertisement J J 26 20 lot loi lotOUR OUR GUARANTEE o True fit an old comfort Every uy job when promised Every job good or we make good CEDR ELECTRIC SHOE HARNESS SHOP in Basement Under Hunter Barber Shop ol lei NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Publisher Hoi Hoi- Department of the Interior U. U S. S Land Office at Salt Lake City Utah June 20 26 1925 1025 Notice is hereby g given gen en that Mary Urie Uri of Cedar City Utah who on May 14 1920 1020 made Homestead entry entry en en- I try additional No for Lot 10 Section 7 Lots 1 13 3 4 4 SAN SUNWU SE SEI Section 8 4 Section Sec Section Sec Sec- ec tion 9 0 NEI Section 17 Township Township Township Town Town- ship 35 South Range 14 West Salt Lake Meridian has filed notice of Inte in In In- te to to make year three proof to establish claim to the land above described described de de- scribed before the Clerk of of- the District District Dis Dis- Court at Parowan Utah on the day of August 1925 Claimant names as witnesses Moroni Moroni Moroni Mo Mo- 1 roni J. J Urie Urle Erastus Matheson J. J l I Milton Urie Uric T. T R. R Urie all of Cedar City Utah ELI F. F TAYLOR Register First July 3 Last 3 Last July 31 Manicure i Shampoos Hand Molding Scalp Treatments v We have established a new beauty parlor in irr Cedar Cit City and we extend you youa ou oua a cordial in invitation tation to visit our shop V We e are graduate operators of the Paramount Beauty College of Los Angeles Ange Ange- les and believe we ve have something different to offer you ou the last word in beauty methods 1 Tell us your our troubles Let us help you Ol plan your imp improvement Paramount II Facials Over Petersen Drug Store Marcel Water Wave Plain Massage Phone Number French Paper Curl Electrical Massage JENNIE BRINGARD Mae Murra Murrays s' s Clay P Packs I ANNE Hair Tinting g Bleaching I Dyeing I r K 1 r S 3 9 WHEN YOU TR TRAVEL EL Pay Your Way With TRAVELERS CHECKS No fuss no delay no worry your worry your signature is all the identification necessary Let the Bank of Southern Utah supply your needs for the entire trip BANK ANK OF SOUTH UTAH Member of Federal Rs Reserve rTe Banking Strongest Bank in Utah There Is No Substitute for Safety v a PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT 12 Cans Deviled Meat 55 e 2 Cans L Lye e 25 e 2 Corn Flakes i Rolled Oats per package 4 lb Ib Sun Maid Seedless ss Raisins j High Nigh Patent Flour STANDARD ANDARD SUPPLY Y CO I Where l You ou Pay Cash and Buy For Less BIEDERMAN'S MARKET RASPBERRIES CHERRIES Are At Their Best We Ve Are Receiving Daily Shipments GET YOUR SUPPLY NOW Arns Garage Cedar City Utah Guaranteed repair work fork on all makes of cars Prompt and Efficient Service Expert Workmen Always on the Job Free Crankcase Service Car Service Car Wash House We carry Accessories for all Standard Makes of Cars Cara Gas Oils Greases F. F Firestone T. T Tires Ires T Tubes u b cs etc I r a perfect Wall Finish U UnusuallY attractive colors colors- R only one coat A well to smooth or rough w walls L Less ess expensive than most wall finishes I s fire proof and sanitary X T Tints ints to suit every taste E Easy to mix and apply Sold By CEDAR LUMBER LUl HARDWARE CO Cedar City Utah WI ir- ir I I Round Trip Summer Excursion Fares via is f e Union Pacific System To Points East I To Points West Daily May to I I Daily May to September i a Limits October t Stopovers Stopovers Div Diverse ease Routes r u Consult Local Agents for further details details' D. D S. S SPENCER General ral Passenger Agent Salt Lake City CEDAR CITY STEAM LAUNDRY DISTINCTIVE YORK WORK Wet Vet Wash per lb Ib Rough Dry p per lb Ib t Finish By y The P Piece ece WE VE CALL AND DELIVER East 1st Street P Phone one MOW a ay y 3 When Defter Better Are Built Buick fh m t ti j- j jj j i l 1 i Y oA o. o 14 r r'S V S 'S J f I l. l t I est on L Why is cis isit it t that there are I more than a million mil f. f Blicks in use today A f Because are always popular with new car buyers and also because Buick's dependable g construction results in a much longer life for than is ordinarily the span of service of a motor car Cedar Motor Co Thorley Theatre JULY TO JULY MONDAY Mae l Mae Murray l In Circe The Enchantress Comedy The uThe Water Wagon TUESDAY Betty Betty Compson to in The UThe Female Comedy All AU Night Long WEDNESDAY Zane Zane Zane Greys Grey's Riders of the Dawn Comedy Com Corn edy Grief in Bagdad THURSDAY Constance Constance Constance Talmadge in Her Night of Ro Ro- mance mance News Reel FRIDAY FRIDA Dantes Dantes Inferno Comedy Stretching The Truth SATURDAY The The The t Dog in in White Fang Two reel Western |