Show Whole Family Vouches for tor Seeing Douce Doubly L ta Quite amazing la Is a story story told tola b by Mr Owen In a book called footfalls Some years ago an Ohio Ohl farmer built builta a new house for tor himself separated separate from the one ha he had bad occupied by bl a ravine One afternoon about flue fire o'clock hie wife Ite saw their eldest daughter Rhoda aged sixteen holding the youngest Lucy aged four tour In her arms anna sitting rocking within the kitchen door of the new house She Sho called the attention of ot another sister Bister to what s B d saw law and was startled to hear th thac t Rhoda and anti Lucy LUCI were were upstairs upstairs up up- stairs In tn the old house They were at once sent for and on oncoming oncoming coming downstairs they saw to their amazement en their exact act doubles sitting on the doorstep of the new house All the family twelve collected collected twelve In alland nil niland all all- and they all saw saw the phantasmal phantasmal mal Rhoda and Lucy the Lucy the real Rhoda and Lucy lcy standing beside them They w were re absolutely Identical to the most minute particular of their drew dread After Arter watching them for foe five ve minutes the father started to cross the ravine and solve lve the mystery Hardly had he descended the ravine when the phantasmal Rhoda ro rose e from the rocking chair with the child In her arms anns and lay down on the threshold There she ahe remained for a moment or two and then apparently sank Into the earth When the father tather reached ached the house houlle no truce trace could coull be found of af any 1 I human being |