Show I l IF fit NOTICES AND WANT INT ADS 00 TW i FOR SALE f 00 00 cres farm land good water right Part in alfalfa I F F. F L L. L BIEDERMAN Adv M M 30 30 tf U. 00 FOR SALE SALE Pure Pure White Leghorn eggs egg for setting purposes Price 59 cents per setting URIE WILLIAMS Adv M 30 M 30 tf U. In 00 Day old chicks Golden Buff Brown and White Leghorns Black Barred Rocks R. R S. S Reds Reas Buff T U R K KEN E N S. S No electric lights on breeding stock Advertisement A A 20 Zt ENOCH CREWS Seabright Cal Calf n FOR SALE SALE Case Case Tractor Case Cape Hay Bailer Baller and Mold Board Plow Prices reasonable R. R A. A ARTHUR Advertisement A A 20 20 tf 00 00 FOR f SALE SALE tU Good used Sterling piano liano Goes for 17 HORTON HAIGHT Adv A A 27 27 21 ItI n FOR SALEAL SALE SALE SALE-At At a bargain fine 7 year old mare J. J R. R RICHARDS Adv A A 27 27 2 M 00 00 FOR SALE SALE 3 3 good milk cows enquire enquire enquire en en- quire of SHERMAN HAIGHT Adv A A 27 27 21 2 00 00 WANTED WANTED Live Live women and girls to take orders for Royal Hosiery Line unequalled for quality and var var- Good money and your pay every day Dont Don't keep wishing for prosperity get started before someone someone some someone territory Write Royal your gets one Salt Hosiery Mills Kearns Lake City Utah Advertisement A. A 20 21 00 00 National For Forest Timber ber for Sale I 00 the Sealed bids will be received by I Forest Supervisor Cedar City Utah to and including May 21 1923 for up feet BM of green Engelmann Engelman spruce house houselog log timber between en 14 18 inches in diameter at a point 4 43 ft above the ground to be designated for cutting on an area embracing about about about a- a bout acres in Sections Sections' 11 and 12 T T. T R. R S. S L. L M. M Dixie National National National Nat Nat- ional Forest Utah No bid of less than per M. M ft B. B M M. will be considered must be deposited with each bid to be applied on the purchase purchase purchase pur pur- chase price refunded or retained in part as liquidated damages according to conditions of sale The right to reject any and all bids reserved Before Before Be He- fore bids are submitted full information information tion concerning the timber the conditions conditions conditions con con- of sale and the submission of bids should be obtained from freon th the Forest Supervisor Cedar City Utah First April Last May T IN F vestments v I Irig ag rig g area area 5 5 to 20 20 per acre k Wells Nells ells i 75 to per acre Terms 40 45 50 per acre Terms iRE ARE LOOKING FOR IN IRON 1 N PAYMENT r JC C I at atin Y Yc C in ID- into to- to 1 17 11 i. i sr ab ab- 00 I Iab FRESH PRUNES Direct from the CALIFORNIA ORCHARD French Sugar Prunes grown inthe in inthe inthe the Famous Santa Clara Valley of California Cured dried and pocked packed under the strictest sanitary sanitary sanitary san san- conditions conditions The best flavored flavor II ed cd and packed prunes children t eat at them like candy without cook ing I am making special prices for this choice selected fruit ship ship- shipped shipped ped pod direct from the ranch to you 5 Ibs 10 Ibs lbs 25 26 Ibs prepaid to you Look them over at the express office and if not satisfactory I will return your money SUNNY RANCH Hollister California William W. W Butler REAL ESTATE Insurance Mercantile Block CEDAR CITY UTAH I SHAY LUNT I LAW AT Mercantile Block I UTAH HANCOCK BARNES Law Attorneys Sheep Building Cedar City Utah Phone n nV V 52 The young fellow wit with money to burn seldon sets the world on fire fires rw There are plenty of ways was to get tet rid of money without burning it t. t Because e the necessary spending generally geny gen gen- i y eats quite n a hole in the family cash pile r tj Watch Vatch the expense account in 4 PAYING BY DY CHECK In this way you can tell where your money Is la going and correct unnecessary unnecessary sary expenditures Paying by check gives a good bookkeeping bookkeeping book book- keeping system and the advantage of having your surplus amount safe in our bank 1 I Bank of Southern 1 Utah i 1 THE STRONGEST BANK IN SOUTHERN UTAH i Member of Fe Federal era Keune Banking System 1 UNDERTAKING PARLO PARLORS Undertakers' Undertakers Supplies Licensed Embalmer CEDAR LUMBER CO Cedar City Utah 1 JJ COX Expert and aDd Steam Fitters Fitter Phone 38 I Cedar City Utah fJ 1 oft v 1 I I W I O t 4 I A J I j l li fi i q f. f r I II I r oJ I Three Varnishes for Three Surfaces I CC R i is isan an interior varnish specially adapted S w I for use on furniture and woodwork It is absolutely waterproof and will not become white I or cloudy when subjected to the action of hot or cold coldwater water This makes it the ideal varnish to use on fur fur- I It t will take and hold a beautiful polish M NOT MAR ARNOT a varnish manufactured for use on I floors It is tough and durable and will give the maximum of long life and resist the wear and tear incident to moving furniture and the continuous continuous con con- stomp of heels A leaky radiator or window left open during a storm will not injure a Not Mar-Not finished floor Not Mar-Not is waterproof ix Ve pj A 0 the e King of Spar Varnishes 11 It is tough J f sand and durable yet sufficiently elastic to resist all action of rain sleet and snow fresh and salt saltwater saltwater saltwater water and the varying temperatures from extreme heat to zero weather will give satis- satis satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satis satis- faction for all outdoor work I IA A complete line of Williams Sherwin-Williams Finishes will be found at our store including House Hous Paint Enamels Tone Flat and A Finish For Every Surface q S rs PAINTS s- s VARNISHES r 1 Cedar Lumber Co Coe Cedar City Utah I I t It I 1 |