Show Salt Lake City Firms Finns To I sIlly aa n prompt sink and nel quick Ick t tD I. th elYe nUon the th nan na e of ot this thi p p r. r STRATON AIREY DR GRACE CRACK A. A Abram Abrama ou blood Tumor Tumon tuber tuber- chronic and sod went ull Jy I treated treat Judge Judg Bid Bid- Salt Lab Lak g Send Sand Ui v. Your FUme Films I I and Amateur I SALT LAKE PHOTO SUPPLY co L Catalog Free Krco 13 So Main St. St DAilY BABY CHICKS TODAY JODAY f fr White While Barred Darre and Buff Dull ft tl t. t I. I Red Keda and nd rose lOmb r comb Block B Minorca Ancona Ulac-k Ulac 51 Silver If Leed White Drown Brown and Dull Buff Leghorn i. i Brooder tov con coal lAland I and oil burring burning Ch Chart Incubator Writ or wire Ire Utah Stat Stale Hatchery W. W 0 O. Kamah Ram Kam- ah haw w Mgr Mr South State Sir Street Salt Lake City Utah Phone Murray BUSINESS COLLEGES I L. L D. D 8 S. BUSINESS COLLEGE School of Efficiency All commercial Catalog tree fm 60 N. N Main St. St Salt Sal LIke Lab City CAFETERIAS For Poe a R K trul al 11 Plate Place to lo eat The K Cafe Cafe- terla teila Wl amM You Yoa Conveniently located Kenyon Kenon Hotel notel Main Mala Id So FRUIT FEW BOXES VEGETABLE CRATES ClUTES Berry norry Crat CUPS CUP E En Egg Cat Ca Beehives Beehive A 1 Honey Iloner C ei Shipping every ever description I Quotation on Oft Salt Lake Lab Box Dox A OAr Co BEAUTY HINTS Have your our comb combings combine or cutting made mad Into Ka N. Doha bob or aide ide wave Face hee se powder Mall Hall orders order solicited Beauty FISHING AND EQUIPMENT Complete tk of Fisherman Writ Write for Irl Novelty A It Gooda Goode Co BOOKS AND SHORT STORIES BOOKS Any book bonk you fOU want want want-by by mall C C. 0 O. D ret DeM-ret Co u 44 t So Temple FLORISTS r- r 10 lower and Funeral direct from arrow arrow- I Sr r r to consumer Dumb floral Co Ogden Ut PATENT MEDICINES V S N N Fr obal I Herb eb- eb for r-l r Hay fever Stomach Sah trouble tu trou ble Me kidney or or anon mone money refunded 25 W W. W 7 I S S. S A. A M. M W WANTED ANTED IOU POULTRY OGDEN FISH POULTRY CO 34 24 SL Ste OGDEN UTAH Buyers of All o. C Clone Classes of Poultry Sill Slip Ship I hem to 10 Ui V. We fay LapTop lop Market Markt WANTED VEAL It C IMPORTANT T. T The e Market Markt of Salt SaIt LIke Lab la I. quoting price Irle regularly on v veal al hogs bOil and poultry It II you OU expect peet k beat e t ull divide your Jour do do not sell II ll all your g god 1100 xU to th thi th urn asma mar mar- 1 et We W. remit dail dally daily Mall Idall ua U. your our nom name and addrue and W we will wid r ut you JOU on our Jut hit SUCCESS MARKET P. P O. O Box Rox Salt Laki City Utah The Th large large-it meat market In Utah BABY ClUCKS CHICKS from 1 stock well el BABY CHICKS CHICKS' mated leghorn S R. R I I. I Reds HId r Rocks R Reduced ed l price for or April M May MAr y June le 1 livery ry ni The Th Th-J. Th I. I H Ranch and Ialo Alto Calif MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MAGAZINE il ln le or nation Read book br mall mail Judge P DEMAND EM AND FOR FOB BEAUTY r Ladle Study Study tudy th 0 refined art Employment ment at t good 00 1 Ilar certain I. I S. S Main r u SONGS a SHEET r IU I S. S new and old tid All kimle Sheet mud b by MIJ SONGS 11 null 11 COD I Ik olf Music Co 07 hi S Main Mala HUBBEll STAMPS STAUtS AND 1 i C Scala ala and eI- eI ia tar Ear Tags Tact i.- i. il Mad d Send for far Iam lampl I. I ilce etc Salt Lake Laka Stamp Co 69 68 Wt j L 1 1 After Aller Every Meal Top rop oil oU each men meal with a bit 01 of sweet In the form of 01 It 11 satisfies the sweet tooth and aids olds digestion Pleasure and benefit co combined Wrap e I 7 l COLD IN THE TUE HEAD Is I. An n acute attack of ot Nasal Catarrh Those subject to frequent colds are arc generally centrally In run a ft down condition S CA MEDICINE I. I S. S Treatment consisting of or an Ointment to be bo used locally and a Tonic which acts acta Quickly through the Blood on the MM- MM coil Surfaces building bunding up tip the System and md making you less lea liable to colds cold Sold Bold by drug for tor over 4 40 Tears Yeara T. T a J. 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For Infants and Children In Use Fo For Over Years Always bears Signature of I Comfort Baby's Skin With Soap And Fragrant Talcum Soap 25 26 ODd and SOc Shake Into Your Shoes And sprinkle la In the foot bath Allen Allen's Foot Foot- Foot Ease Ease the antiseptic healing powder for Painful Swollen Sweating feet It prevents blisters and sore spots and takes the sting out of corns and bunions use Miens Allen Foot Feat Ease to break in new shoes and enjoy the bliss of feet without an ache Those who use Allens Allen's Foot-Ease Foot say that they have solved their foot troubles Sold everywhere Trial package and a Foot- Foot Ease Walking Doll sent Free Address ADen Allen's Foot Ease Le Roy N. N NY Y A safe dependable and effective ve remedy for Coughs Colds Colds Distemper Influenza Heaves and Worms among horses and mules Abt harmless and as safe sao for colts as It tt is for or stallions mares or geldings Give occasionally as a preventive Sold at all drug stores I Vaseline 00 CARBOLATED PETROLEUM JELLY No skin break too small for notice Be very wary of cuts scratches and skin abrasions no matthow matte matt how Vaseline Petroleum J Jelly Jelly elly applied I at once once lessens lessens the possibility of infection It comes com i in iD bottle bottle- at all l drull lt and aDd d general store MFG COMPANY Cool aled St State te St. St New Nw York E Every olin f ourt I It I. recon mended cu o of iu Lu abao b Iu Lut purity and a e 9 |