Show SENATOR OR WHEELER MUST ALSO EXPLAIN MONTANA SOLON IS INDICTED IN HOME STATE FOR TAKING OIL MONEY Republican an Tells High Colleagues Colleague He Heard Three Weeks Week Ago of Plan to Indict Mon Men tana tans Man Washington Rising to a question et f personal privilege e Senator Wheel er Democrat of ot Montana denounced on the senate f floor Wednesday the Indictment returned returned against him lam Tuesday by a grand Jury In his home stale This Indictment he be said ald laid Is part qt one of the most damnable conspiracies con con- ever e consummated in the tho United States Senator Wheeler spoke poke to a crowd crowll ed td senate practically every ery member being in Ms life seat sent and the galleries jammed The Montana senator first gave gate a brief resume of his hla personal career from his birth In Massachusetts to his hla entrance Into public life lite in fn Butte Mont Moat where be lie said he be Incurred the ill will of one of tho the largest est financial Interests In the state slate by hy voting for Senator Walsh Democrat life his present collen colleague tIe For that vote Senator Wheeler Wh eler said he was told he could no not noI remain I in public affairs or In the flue state During sen service Ice as os' os district attorney ney nay he sold said It become became my duty to prosecute some som prominent politicians both Republican and Democratic and to cite certain public officials for cont contempt on charges charles of tamp tampering with a Jury One of those officials he be said sold later associated with a large copper company and from that point pointon on lies been attire active in opposing mo tut While Willie in fn office Senator Wheeler said sold I found it Incumbent to prose cute graft and corruption and here I find myself In the department of Jus Justice flee tice investigation As a n result I 1 find myself today tollay standing Indicted The foreman of the thc Montana grand Jury fury was described by Senator Wheel er ns as the bitterest political enemy 1 have hare The man who presented the evidence evi I dence Bence to the Jury he added recently re tautly had hall sought Bought his Wheelers Wheeler's aid aidIn aidIn In la obtaining an appointment In recounting his hie political experiences ces tee in to Montana the rite senator said he long ago aiO had incurred the opposition of ot the Anaconda company the largest financial interest in the state lie He then that declared he lie would give ghe the senate the whole stor story of his con section with the case cuse mentioned In Inthe inthe the indictment A retainer of 2000 was given ghen him lie he sold said ald to tr try the case case tor for the oil c company witch which l t 1 he hewon i fl won and he was pall about bout as ali much more That woe was in January H 1923 1024 1 I have ha never appeared before any say department for Mr Campbell or an any y of oC life his associates l he e I said referring to Gordon Campbell Indicted with him My I contract with him expressly said I 1 C uW U not for tor them In do Washington n. n |