Show Around Orchard BRIDGE GRAFTING IS USED TO SAVE TREES b by th the ot tnt United Unit St t Department et of Fruit tre trees s injured by rabbits or mice during the winter can be saved laved without undue expense by bridge grafting Bridge grafting Is s a Ii Tipple simple process process but requires skill in the handling han dung of the tools A bridge cm graft craft ft is made by using scions to connect the tI two portions of the bark of a stock or limb which have bave been separated by an nn Injury such as 81 girdling by animals or orether other ether means mean In other words the Injured In area Is bridged by scions the ends of which unite with the uninjured parts above and below th tb wound In such lIuch manner that a connection between be bee tween the tissues ues Is established d. d This Title kind of ot tree repair is described in a very ery thorough and understandable manner mann r in a new nc bulletin just issued by the United States Department of Agriculture as Farmers Farmers' Bulletin 1360 1300 Bridge Grafting hafting The subject matter is Illustrated ted with a n large targe number Dumber of photographs of I grafts graft which make moke the method readily understood by the amateur Bridge grafting may be used en on al almost almost al al- most any kind of fruit tree that admits admits ad ad- mits mite of ot being readily y propagated by grafting In practice there l Is occasion occa occa- slon sion to re resort ort to It much more frequently frequently frequently fre fre- fre- fre with the apple Ulan than with any other fruit but pear trees tree are often orten treated at nt least in some sections No reas reason n l is apparent why th the method should not be he successful on In plums and cherries Peaches graft less tess readily than the other trees mentioned and there may maybe be some question as to the usefulness of the method in the ca case e of this fruit Bridge grafting is I seldom sel eel dom used on shade or ornamental trees but with some kinds it would probably prove successful In overcoming overcome ing lag certain types of Mechanical Injuries which may be remedied by bridge grafting are usually usual ly inflicted In one of three ways Dy By animals that feed teed upon the bark and tender wood by Insects that burrow through the growing layer larel of bark and tender wood or by implements used In Inthe Inthe Inthe the tillage of the orchard lI usually the result of the carelessness of M. workmen The animals liable to do tIll the m most angst st damage damage damage dam dam- age by girdling are the common common meadow mead mend ow mouse pine mouse pocket gopher and rabbit Injuries cau caused ld by dj disc did eases such as liS body blight etc which girdle the trees may be successfully treated by this tills method of grafting as aI well Bridge grafting Is done in the tho early spring about the time the tread treas ore are starting into growth the same as ItS in cleft grafting for the pu purpose of lIf top top- working It does not matter matters Jf It the trees tobe bridge grafted have started slightly but bat it Is of great Importance that the scions be perfectly dormant The chances of success success are materially decreased If the buds buds' budson on the scions have started appreciably It Is II often necessary to secure the scions some sometime sometime time in advance of ot the time they are areto areto areto to be used In order to have them then In a dormant condition when needed storIng storing storing stor stor- ing them meanwhile where they will not dry out and where It Is 15 cool enough to keep them dormant Copies of this bulletin spay may ay be secured se so- cured cured as long as ns the supply lasts from the United States Di Department of Agriculture ure Washington D. D C. C |