Show x oo 00 f 1 LIBRARY NOTES 00 1 To the donors of the following gifts to our Carnegie Library the li library library li- li board extends grateful v elation i Lafaette McConnell One Potted Palm Ms A. A E. E Pettigrew In Chancery J by y Galsworthy Jf n Mrs Mary J J. J Webster the three r d' d dramas Marrying of Ann Leete Voy Voy- M sey aey Inheritance and The Fugitive Other books added by purchase ire Etiquette in two volumes by Eichler Fich Eich f ler Poetical Works Coleridge Magazine Mag Mag- S azine Verse for 1922 Braithwaite t Best Short Stories for 1922 OBrien O'Brien Our Dog Friends and A Day in a aI I Colonial home Prescott also sonnets i t by Shak Shakespeare peare I LIBRARIAN i I U IV |