Show n PLANS PL NS M MADE OE FOR COMMENCEMENT 0 Plans have ha been made for Commencement Commencement Com Com- Exercises at the Branch Dranch Agricultural College The Junior College sermon germon will be delivered deliver d the evening e of Ma May 10 In iu Cedar City I Tabernacle The music will be furnished fur b by the Cedar City Choir In connection with the college music de tie- I The speaker has not yet et etI been announced Gra Graduation exercises exer exer- I will be held May 14 The college college col col- lege orchestra will w furnish the prelude pre lude Jude following the march of or the gra gra- I The high school will be represented represent represent- ed by Annie Wilkinson and the college by Alice Palmer Music Is under the direction of the college music de de- The speaker of the has not yet et been announced It Is ex ex- petted peeled that President Petersen Peterson and several of the board members of the school will be |