Show CAT IN THE PULPIT 1 tor canet it bj the th 3 neck keek and bd the tak ta k it away inquisitive black cat strayed into the bristol methodist episcopal church on a recent sunday evening just before the services began says the pittsburg chronicle telegraph there were very few people in the church at the time but the loud and plaintive mewing of the stranger attracted their attention and they watched its movements with interest the animal climbed up into the loft perched upon the railing and looked down upon th cog begadon kafter fter a time several members me mers of the choir arrived and the cat scampered away finally climbing down don one of the wooden pillars which supported the choir loft and walked down into the aisle several of the congregation endeavored to coax the cat into their dews but the proud pussy ignored them and with stately dignity climbed up into the pulpit and sat on the bible when the pastor came in a moment later he found the caz cac in ps posses aez ion on of the alil pulpit but the ani animal I 1 mal toch lock kindly to the preacher and began beran to purr and arch his back at the later ater s approach the pastor took the cat by the back of the neck and handed it down to an ushr who es carried rived puss out of the church this is a good omen brethren said the pastor and then he went on and preached his sermon |