Show landlady adla j might I 1 aek a what yon u are sir lr gent well I 1 indulge in the muse use landlady flauy how ifandy my last lodger WAS connected with ith the stables too I 1 an about western parm farm lands the corn belt is the namy nam of an monthly newspaper published by the chicago burlington quince ry by it alma to give information in an interesting eftin 9 way about the farm of the west send 25 cents in postage stamps to the corn belt adama adam street chicag tod the paper win will be sent to your ad tess for one year 1 IF aua catarrh cure ra Is a constitutional cons cure prim price csc M I 1 daubers Dab berB bers poster dian didn t win a prize no he forgot to paint lo in the cus customary t girl and the judges had bad nothing to ont divert I 1 them from rom C criticizing criticising critic lu ising claing hla wort worl I 1 I 1 ir if the baby X cettl bumas I 1 be on lire kad emd use a that mat old ud and aeu remedy visa I 1 nw n w wb 0 o rf cor emlet T Tt th alac 1 I cured Gidd biddington ington of talking to me about abou liia his smart little bo boy how did you yon d do 0 ar I 1 1 I 1 told ht him M all about u t the eleven surn mers experience I 1 hate had with bay fever FITS f ITS all nt Pits stopped ped tw arv by ir kite great JR estorer 0 fits atter flab the maday Mt daY use ous L b kl bit cabes P some of these days daya some candi candidate ditte for w office will create a sens sensation atlon by residing in a palatial residence cure cu r L tor for consumption his ha been a godsend god send to me e wm vm 11 mcclellan chester cheater florida sept sept 17 b owing to a financial stringency in many y 1 u artem it Is expected that nt the sam 9 M resorts this year last years eng age meat will be generally used secondhand 1 after all tha uese us of dying I 1 there Is 13 a novelty la in banging ground to ves sw what is s coming next 1 I 1 I 1 i I 1 I 1 I 1 0 I 1 1 1 I 1 19 A A I 1 t I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 A I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 gladness comes I 1 idith aith a better understanding of the transient nature of the many physical ills which vanish before pro proper per efforts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed there is comfort in th the e knowledge that so many forms of I 1 sickness are not due to any actual GIB disease iee ie e but simply to a constipated condition of the sn system stem which the pleasant I 1 f family amily laxative syrup of figs promptly removes that is why it itis is the theoni only 7 remedy with mill millions ions of families and is everywhere here esteemed so highly hi aily b by all iwho who value good health its ben beneficial effects are due to the fact that it atia is the I 1 I 1 one ne remedy which promotes int internal ermal I 1 c cleanliness I 1 ean li i ness without debilitating the orp orphans ans on which it acts it is therefore all important in order er to pet its beneficial effects to note when you yon purchase lchase that you have the er enuine article I 1 cl e W which is manufactured by bv the california fig syrup go co only and sold by ill all I 1 reputable druggists if in the enjoyment of health and the system is regular laxatives or iother other remedies are then not needed if afflicted with any actual disease one may be om commended mended to the most skillful physicians but if in need of a la laxative tive i bone one should have the best and with the well informed everywhere syrup of figs stands highest an and d is mos most t largely used and gives most general satisfaction 1 ii I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 5 I 1 I 1 I 1 i A I 1 I 1 I 1 5 41 I 1 11 i E E BURLIN GAMES I 1 A cf A 17 rr ir ANO CHEMICAL I 1 ASSAY offices OFF ICEl laboratory la in colorado ISM 1366 samples sample by mall mail or espreu press will receive reweave prompt and careful attention GOLD AND SILVER BULLION reined refined melted and nd aued or purchased address Add resi 1736 and 1733 lawre lawrence st COUL COLO SURE CURS CURE FOR PILES I oksil balna or P arbo 13 U savien SAM ady Sio 9 pitet p mh ot bw Cn ort idabo t it 17 free fric bo 60 dasi or JD BU IL ito baak 0 phil P pa I 1 W I 1 64 preta pill 19 I 1 says 1 t I 1 poll ashes just 1 apoll I poll parrot parroting la to theres no prettiness in P pill aliz e except on the theory of pretty is that t pretty does in that case she ashes I 1 a right ayers pills do cure biliousness constipation and all liver troubles denver directory jj I 1 H HARNESS the best JU 10 double concord har ues aes lu Cc colorado ornda tor for 18 with breeching 20 25 Z double teala loaia larnes W with I 1 t it breeching IL 10 25 bacel tee horn born stock raddle for IS 15 angla bucey bre for 3 50 do not by b deceived by wort worthless bless imitations but order direct from ua as and get uie the lowe lowet lowest t wholesale MD prices catalogue free all goods stamped FRED 1413 carliner Lar liner larl denver colorado gooda sent for examination i i I 1 1 THE DENVER TENT A AND AWNING CO a 1 U P I 1 S PATENT GU 1728 LAWR 87 DENVER BLUE BLUEPRINT CO Cb cabarles arles b MINING U I 1 LI n ill abd d acx d working zig machinery second niall 1 and a cofall of kin L ought and EL 4 kie kiesiner tiner 0 0 i arr m 6 A marka PIANOS AND ORGANS mason haan bach catalo catalogue gme irm ouight duac co mog 1508 10 Fan flirk vas bant 0 I 1 al t unc hotel irling block debow P pocket 0 rt ere etea re ce book alc sUc to ore thip shir pery perit ballod fal CUT PUT FLOWERS CI derai dbr han et etc cc 1 I incited IT B h alta ki in rrt r arft C 2 S idith st bt tel 1314 SEALS Q RUBBE 11 X NOT borto worl works jc I tg co 1618 10 layrane Lay wrence ranc dt im P 0 BM B 31 it 0 o TR sm TRUSSES CRUTCHES DURBIN r st ft james jamea curtis barcel PAPER fy f en y lopes ete etc stock boxi duato k opec falty the th envelope and ox mfg mag co cor aji and arapahoe Ar DENVER MUSIC CO cor U sic and musical low aue f te t chapa street hi macullar MAC UlMar repairs ot MIN INO favorino arl chlory etc mpa cat castim tim breight elevators nox no X A abrail ms tf 17 laa 91 C HARNES SADDLES TURF GOODS etc we make a specialty of klue flue and best beet ore harness in the marlet market and handle no shoddy goods WM WIL B LLOYD 1011 fifteenth street denver SECOND HAND V OF su ALL MACHINERY MACHINER kis 1 S ENGINES 1301 LERS 1101 MILLS HUNTING TONS ETC MINING MACHINERY CO 1723 STI tEET DEN VEIl PERFECT FITTING spectacles abc a A 1606 16 4 6 CURTIS S S rits levela microscopes and nd supplies THE COMPANY COMPAN y PAYS THE on their common se en n nf s t e I 1 horse hone will hoist 25 tons of rock f feet ea t each h 8 hitt bitt bad i reliable nUa blu alegi it caa b perked nt hr a lock cm can go io N avoe c or clab t to ig break SO par cent is il wrought iron aad d steel mad will bond bend before breaking oar tn in wa n some 0 r on douar expense TV W maks horw hor hoew loiou hou at prices price M 25 A 60 73 tia SM lit i ft i I 1 ancl nd on oa ap send boram for ain illustrated cirilar to T H 5 WHIM cocq CO carti st learer bolo I 1 I 1 I 1 N 1 1111 I 1 40 I 1 M I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 ts I 1 I 1 1 ON A popularity does not come without 1 clonts clouts cause nothing but the standi I 1 ard ani quality qui aliby that is invariably j I 1 maintained I 1 in hi columbia bicycles could swe secure such 1 indorsement endorsement indor as comes unsought to columbian Colum Col bias 4 A abec tb the new york joal acar mal bal offered the choice 0 of the do run CHOICE irp tea tai leading makes kes k of bicycles bicycle recently to the t tea fib W vt arf a tasi contest fryy 7 I 1 MM ef t ten elected columnas and aad the journal ke I 1 bought tm tea columbia ax at each cach I 1 when the fu jacw tC 1 alo h desired to majca 1 MI an exper ime CHOICE alc ath v claboine cla bonne acab 0 of bicycler 1 A they dwy ot of co course fin selected elert a col bia paw paid S tor kw it they have hare deca decorated ted bicycles saxe but bal cote bi was arst choice 7 I 1 a ahm abo unified m go gome me aed im of kw or hw ashing fire blades it td bids faoa arc I 1 ad other oaken A of iron h 50 to CHOSEN by the sm as ad a d our bid oi cd aioo ac a C their in government sass Sf SS vad price aza the ez perta t coh lwft lw mt was i as in IB their 1 y cia baah emy dolla dauer of the prica pace ofed 0 11 if you are able accle to pay 1 00 for a Bicy bicycle clep will you bee be a content with wah A any but bd a columbia C ch 14 g 11 I 1 I 1 I 1 POPE nago co fahmi conlu ec S I 1 I 1 d j baalman eves cuy 4 JU cohel we not 1 lu t et ix A rw X di in y in us kw e ace tz I 1 I 1 I 1 4 I 1 |