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Show of all taxes should be revenue, and that confined to the needs of the government economically administered. adminis-tered. 5. We are opposed to any legislation legis-lation tending to build up monopoly, monop-oly, as the result is to make rich the few to the hurt of the many, and we believe that the rule of the government should be the greatest, good to the greatest number; special privileges to none; equality to all. 6. We are unalterably opposed to force and fraud in the conduct of elections, or to any interference with them by extraneous power or means. The Constitution of the United States should not be vitiated by makeshift legislation to facilitate facili-tate party advantages. 7. We favor the full restoration of silver to the position it occupied in our national currency before its demonetization by the Republican party. 8. The Democratic party being naturally the friend of labor, we ask the workingmen of Utah to carefully consider which of the two great national parties is best calculated calcu-lated to promote their welfare and pledge to them on our part all legitimate legi-timate and proper assistance to further their well being. We are 0) posed to Chinese or imported contract labor, and opposed to the Republican plan in vogue in Pennsylvania Penn-sylvania of discharging workmen for striking against pauper wages. I 9. We are in favor of the eight 1 hour per day law on all public works, and not less than the minimum rate of wages shall be paid to the , various trades. 1 Re it resolved, that we accept the declarations and action of the Mormon people abandoning the practice of polygamy, and the People's Peo-ple's party in disbanding the same, as done in good faith and alt sincerity; sin-cerity; and we favor the restoration of the franchise to all the disfranchised disfran-chised citizens who obey the laws of the United States. 2. That the changed conditions in this Territory leave no room save for national parties. 3. That, as Democrats we avow our allegiance to the party that has maintained its existence since the government was formed, and will live as long as it lasts. 4. We adhere to the time honor ed principles of Democracy, and such as are set forth in the national platform adopted by the last national Democratic convention. THE DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. Adopted t the I,ote Salt Luke Terrltitri! Convention. 1. We believe that the government govern-ment of the United States is a national na-tional sovereignty supreme within its sphere as delegated and defined in the constitution, and to that government gov-ernment our first allegiance is due; and we believe in a willing and loyal obedience to all its laws and a strict enforcement of the! same. 2. ft"e believe that the several States of the union are sovereign i I within their sphere, and that upon the preservation of their autonomy depend the benefits of local 3elf government, gov-ernment, the liberty of the citizens and the perpetuity of the union. 3. We are opposed to the idea of centralized or paternal government, govern-ment, believing that the best government gov-ernment is the one that governs least; and therefore we believe in the largest liberty to the individual citizen consistent with good government. govern-ment. 4. We are opposed to any legislation legis-lation by the tederal government which looks to or operates in levying levy-ing taxes for the benefit of any one class at the expense of any other, but we believe that the primal idea |