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Show Countyseaters Defeat Locals The Gunnisn baseball team was dc-, dc-, feated at the county seat last Tuesday by an overwhelming score and (he game was not "pilfered," as was the intimation of the editor of the Messenger Mes-senger of the game when the County Seaters were badly beaten by the Gunnison team on the Gunnison diamond. dia-mond. The alibi offered by Editor Peterson is weak in its entirety, and good sports, when they "buck" against good players, generally admit their inferior playing when defeated. But then, the County Seaters are young, and Gunnison will do all she can to teach them the game. In the return game with Maiiti last Tuesday Gunnison went down to defeat de-feat to the tune of 11 to 7. But this was the result of a bundle of "bin-gles" "bin-gles" credited to the Gunnison players. play-ers. AVith some of the good players out of tho game, the locals allowed the Mar.ti boys to pile up a bunch of runs, and when the time came to play the Gunnison lads could not make good, and failed to overcome the big lead. However, in the last inning there was a slight recovery by the Gunnison players and the score was increased by three runs when Fredrickson hit for a three-bagger with three men on bases. |