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Show PRIZE HISTORY OF THE FAIR. We are pleased to learn that the World's Columbian Exposition Illustrated Il-lustrated received the Highest and Only Award as the most Authentic and Complete Illustrated History of the Great World's Fair. This valuable work contains full descriptions of the Fair with 3,000 large copper-plate half-tone, photographic photo-graphic illustrations of the Grounds, Buildings, Exhibits and Attractions of the exposition. The illustrations arc from photographs, showing the laborers as they turned the first shovel-ful of earth when the great Fair was begun, and the progress of the Exposition G rounds and Buildings in all stages of construction con-struction from the swamp covered with brush and trees, to the world-famed world-famed "White City," filled with ! treasures and Art and works of Genius from the st,o-e-hoUFC of the world, and adorned with its Spires, Turrets and Silked Domes. In all it is the richest and most valuable work ever published. It is the World's Fair on paper. By perusing its pages the great Exposition Expo-sition can be revisited in years to come. It should be in every library li-brary and home in the civilized world. Send 25 cents for sample number and full particulars. Reliable Reli-able agents wanted. Address, J. B. Cam puklf,, President. 24-36 15a Adams St.,Chicago,Ill. |