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Show A SEHI-WEKKLY BHiLER. Wc are Sow Pn-piired to hsuv a Sfiiii-Wcekly if Vou IVaut It. Time and time again, we have been importuned by scores of our subscribers to convert The Bigi.kk into a semi-weekly newspaper. Our reply has invariably been, we shall be only too glad to do so if you will but give us the necessary support, without which we aro perfectly powerless. The babv cannot erow to walk without food; papers cannot successfully suc-cessfully be operated without support. sup-port. Support and patronage are to us what food is to the growing child. We have long been anxiously looking forward to the day when Brigham City and Box Elder county coun-ty could support a semi-weekly and even a daily newspaper. We now have a complete com-plete newspaper plant capable capa-ble of running even a large daily paper. We have our fast cylinder cyl-inder press and ample other necessities ne-cessities equal to the demand of a daily edition. But there is one very important factor missing the required support. It takes money, and a whole lot of it, too, to run a daily paper. Thousands are sunk every year in the experimental daily, and with such phenomenal swiftness that it makes the uninitiated unin-itiated investor's head swim. Brigham City, we are sure, wants no daily paper until it can support it with better success than did Logan. Better procrastinate the event a little than to be forced to chronicle such a failure, which gives a black eye to any town. But to the semi-weekly business. , We have made arrangements now, so that if the people want it, and will lend their support, we will issue a Wednesday morning Bugi.kh in addition to the regular Saturday paper. If the people don't want it and won't support it. all right; that will settle the question, for the time being, at least. If you do, just say so; lend your aid and we will go ahead. The Wednesday morning Bugleii would be a separate paper from our regular Saturday paper. The charges would be 75 cents a year, and 50 cents for six months, making the price of the two papers, or the semi-weekly, if you please, $2.7o a year. This proposed extra issue would be small to begin with, a four column folio, but would be enlarged as fast as the support would justify. The Saturday Bugler will remain the same size and, for the present, would, like the weeklies in large towns, contain the matter which was found in the previous Wednesday morning Bugler. Bu-gler. Now, gentlemen, if you want this new paper, just say so. We are now all ready, willing and prepared. The matter rests with you. We can issue the first a week from next Wednesday, if you say so. li" not, then "forever huld your peace." We jnean business from t lit word "g." |