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Show SHEET TALK. ''Both county tickets arc pretty strung. " We'll knock the socks off the I) Demos, this year, says the Republican. The Democrat retarU that ''sox or no sox." after the count on the evening of November Sth you wilt see the worsted Repuhs. creeping off over the mountains to hide themsel ves in the middle of tho ucxt week. "The Republicans have nominated nom-inated a cranky young smart Alec from Corinne as Selectman." "With the solid Liberal vote at our backs we will sweep the Democrats Demo-crats completely oil their feet." "If the Republican nominee for Selectman from Portage is elected, every time he comes to court he will cost tho county $11.00." Distance doesn't seem to lend enchantment en-chantment to the tax payer in this particular instance. "Peirce and MeMaster will have a hard rub." "Holmgren will knock Cox off the stump. We have a ticket which will stand like a stone wall against the attacks at-tacks of the Republicans. "Coombs1 past record in town will go hard against him." 1 "Peirce will be our next county Treasurer; ten to one on it." Loveland will sweep the county like a whirlwind. "Who is H. D. Page?" Willard will help Cook Lowe for the Democratic jubilee in November. Novem-ber. Box is working for boodle. "A Portage Selectman would have to depend upon his snows'noes to reach court in wild winter weather. But then most men would risk an ear any time to scoop $11 a day clean cash." Dan Walker's polities is a conundrum. con-undrum. The Three Mile Creek delegates to both the Democratic and Republican County Conventions Con-ventions pulled like beavers to secure him a nomination. But both cinventions put an "ni" in his first name and passed him by. 'Two to one on llyruni Standing; Stand-ing; Perrv is not known outside the breezes oil' the Goose Creek . .Mountains. Hy is well-known by four-lil'ths of the voters of the I eountv." I I "When Box started out to work so unseluVhly(?) for Republicanism, Republican-ism, be told me lie was going togi't the Recordursbip or bust a suspender. He has played bis cards all right so far as the nomination goes." 'The olureshouhl seek the man, not the man the office." 'There are so many Independents Independ-ents in town tliLt in ju-tiee to j them citizens' tickets should be ' put up for tho municipal election.'' I I "The city ticket for Brigham ! will cause a bigger stir than the county." "Who will be our next mayor?" "A".y man who scratches John-sou John-sou in favor of Box is doing lib- 1 mite toward bringing in tlie iM charge of "insincerity and uureba-! uureba-! bility" against the Mormons." |