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Show Katua!s Have Interesting time. The mutual improvement meeting Sundp.y evening was oue of the best ever held iu Gunnison ward, Tho preliminary program was presented with unusual vim and was worth while hearing. Little Miss Ruth Perkins led with "Entertaining her big sister's beau." Prof. L. Thompson rendered a plaas-iug plaas-iug selection on Ihn organ, followed by a terse ta'k of two minutes, on decorum de-corum ia the mutuala. N. Gledhill gave the closing number, the audience audi-ence joining in the chorus to the song "Sunshine in Your Heart." A half hour of clasa work then ensued en-sued and this'was followed by one of the best surprises, that of serving all present with a plate of fruit each. The officers and assistants had their plans well laid and the affair was a decided success as shown by the hearty vote of thanks tendered in conelusion. The prelimiuary program for nest Sunday will be rendered by Mrs. Emily Anderson, reading ; Mrs. Eugene Eu-gene Ferre and Mabel Kearns, song ; N. F. Kearns, a two-minute talk; Miss Marsella Johnson, song. |