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Show Notice to Creditors. Territory of l'tah. County oi ISoi Elder. 1 Flote of Susannah PuKipher. deeeftte.1. "VTOT1CE is hereby mvon hy the miilersiffned Admiui.-traioV of the E-UUeoi Sn-nnmili Pulsipher, deceased, lo the creditors of und ell persons having claims auai list ' he said deeea-H.'t, toexlilhil them with the necessary voucher;, within 4 months after the first puHicntion of tliis notice, to the -aid administrator at the j ofnee of the County Fro-eeutiiu; Attorney in ihe i county Court House. Hrikham l 1 1 y , in the said WILLIAM ln.3lPUER. Administrator of the Estate of Susaiiinili 1MI tipher. leceased. :!y-4 Dated March 6. |