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Show Speak low, tread softly, be firm, and you will carry the goods with you. Some people never taka any exercise exer-cise except eating, sleeping and resting. rest-ing. Such fellows, if they are born poor, manage to bold their own all through life, unless they marry a rich widow. THE GUNNISON GOSSIPER. By Nemo. Some of the great men of this day and age get their names on the "billboard" "bill-board" and uot a few manage in some way to get their names on a "board bill." A great many of us imagine that we get hold of some new ideas ; but, alas, they are usually borrowed from others. Original ideas and thoughts of any value are about as scarce as that new metal called radium. One of the impossibilities of life is for a Jack of-all trades to prove it to a man who knows it all. One of the hardest j bs in this life is that of trying to live without working work-ing It will be a long time before we pass through this life again. Therefore, There-fore, why not scatter smiles and good humor as we go along? A hearty laugh or a cheery word puts light and joy into the soul of thoss we meet, while a sigh or grouch spreads a cloud over the day. The quarelsoms man is dreaded and disliked. If you w ant to fight, join the army, Th6 woman who marries a man to reform him has a big job on her bands, especially if she needs a little reforming herself. This reforming business is not so easy. One cannot put a cake of sapolio on one end of a sinDer and have bim drop out, a saint at the other end of the spout. The man may renounce the front door entrance, en-trance, but look out for the jug or bottle side door for "private consumers." consu-mers." It looks like the course of some men is a trot down stairs from the cradle to the grave. An example of caution is shown by the young man who will brush away the microbes before taking a kiss from his best girl. Say, have you evjer noticed that a low soft tone of voice is more effectual than a staccato-crescendo-innuendo? Solumon says, "A soft answer turneth away wrath," and it is true to a dot, A loud talker requires too much wind to keep his bellows going, and most people aoon get tired of wind. A wind-bag or a blowhard soon tires his hearers aud disgusts himself. |