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Show UTAH AND IRRIGATION. The Utah Irrigation Commission has issued an address to the people peo-ple of the Territory concerning the Irrigation Congress to be held in Denver Sept. 3, 1S9L Tl e Moving Mov-ing is a paragraph taken from the address: Utah has much at stake in the adjustment of irrigation problems, and we cannct remain indifferent. Other states are mov- ing vigorously, and the policy to be adopted at the Denver Convention Conven-tion will probably be one which will be followed persistently until definite results are secured. We have the same questions to decide, and ought to contribute to the discussions dis-cussions and co-operate with the people of the surrounding states in arriving quickly at some general basis of work. Great tracts of land now worthless can be opened up to settlement if the water now running run-ning to waste is properly stored and distributed, and whether this work is to be done by the states or by the general government, some plan of work must be reached, and the united action of the Mountain ; btateB secured. The question of the further unrestricted use of the public range must be met. The basis for the local regulation of water rights and protection to irrigation irri-gation iata as well as irrigation companies, must be improved. Many important questions in connection con-nection with the general subject will be presented and ably handled at the Denver meeting ami the voioe of Utah should be heard. |