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Show I Gunnison Gossip By 0. Nemo. Irrigation in an arid land is a good engagement.ibut social irrigation with beer or whiskey is liable to be worked j overtime. Too much water on land maks it soggy, and too much wine and beer mlses a man groggy. f New potatoes and fried chicken are now ripe. Aty, wnat a delioious bill I cf fare we Greater Gunnisonitss will have from new oa ! Next will be fresh tomatoes, then apple dumpling, peaches and cream, pumpkiug pie. and at last turkey and spare ribs. How ocr city neighbors would enjoy this feast ! There are macy men in the world who are exceedingly liberal with advice; ad-vice; it is about the only thing they give up without anguish , But advice dont feed the hungry or clothe the naked . Profanity is no mark of intelligence humor or courage. It is usually the brand of dense ignorance and cowardice, cowar-dice, and always shows a lack of refinement. re-finement. A man may swear under great provocation aud thereby mitigate miti-gate the offense, but when one's ears are constantly being subjected to volley after volley of inexpressive oaths we begiu to feel a contempt for the poor cuss who can find no better way for expressing his impoverished thoughts, To hear a woman or a child belch out a profane expletive is to disgust and turn the stomach of even a sailor. A woman or a child may get the hook worm, the itch, or get infested with vermin, 11 these can be overlooked and cured ; but if they get so low as to be a habitual swearer they ought to be put into an asylum by themselves, where they could curse and swear at each other until ashamed of themselves them-selves and quit the habit. |