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Show For Sale, The Gunnison School Board offers for sale, the Axtell old school site and building. The undersigned will receive sealed bids for same u p to and including August (i, 1910, JOSEPH CHUISTENSON, Clerk. TRADE MORAL The quality ol what you have to sell is known to some peopls ail of the time and all of the peopls some of the time, but advertise regularly regu-larly with us and you'll reach . all of the people ail of the time. Forty first. -Annual Practically ail sumrner stocks to be sold at Extraordinary Reductions GRETE X CLSAR5NG EVENT I IN TT5E CIT Y. THE STORE OF QUALITY . THE HOME OF RELIABLE GOODS I GUHiSOR CO-OP l 0. 8. BERGLUND, Manager. 1 A Question 99 - ! "Where can I deposit my money where it will be SAFE and where I can HAVE IT WHEN WANTED?" We believe we can truthfully truthful-ly say that The Gunnison Valley Bank is the institution that fully answers the question. Your money deposited in this bank is SAFE, and can be WITHDRAWN WHEN WANTED. Small accounts solicited and will recsive the same attention as the large. YOU CAN BEGIN TODAY; ANY AMOUNT WILL DO. Gunnison Valley Bank W.ll. Crihliiu. I'ris. n.H. ISer.-iuml.VI.-. IT.-, , J. T. .MiBa. Casi,. .1. W. Jo:.:,. Ast C: Find the Man Every man and woman is anxious to buy some article necessity or luxury every clay of his or her life. Single handed it would take you months to seek out those interested in your line of business. An advertisement in this paper does the vrork instantaneously. It corrals the purchaser brings him to your store makes hirn buy things you advertised. iCoiivnyiil.. I'-W. by W. . L." Job Piintiugat this oHieo. J C. E. HALVERSON Pro prietor The Gunnison Valley BARBER SHOP All Work Guaranteed! Once come, always stay. Hot Baths always ready. Hair Tonic, GuarituUed to Cure Dandruff. Cream for Chapped Lauda and face. KEMEMBKK THE PLACE Basement of Bank Building-. Buy ti:e COAL that burns, from j O. B. Berglund. 5'-.50 ptr ton. |