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Show UTAH STATE NEWS The Richmond Industrial club, on tt the most wide-awake organizations of the etate, has reorganized for the coming year. i A movement has been started by the war department looking to the abandonment of Fort Duchesne, In Utah, as an army post. 1 The first spring planting of troul fry by the state fish and game de l)artment waa made last week, when E60,000 -were placed In Panguitch lake. A hundred members of the TJnJver-alty TJnJver-alty club attended the twentieth annual an-nual banquet In Salt Lake Wednesday night. Many men of prominence were present. A burglar who attempted to rob a Btore at Collinston Is now in the Box plder county jail, his capture having been due to the faithfulness of a watch dog, who held the burglar until the officers came. Fragments of rock hurled with great force by a blast on the fifth level of the Utah Copper company's mine at Bingham struck G. Kawa-guchl, Kawa-guchl, a Japanese miner, In the face, seriously injuring him. The sugar beet controversy in Weber and Davis county Is at an end, the farmers and the officers of the Amalgamated Sugar company having reached an agreement which is satisfactory satis-factory to all concerned. In patriotic observance of Washington's Washing-ton's birthday, the Daughters of Utah Pioneers, the Mormon battalion, and members of the Handcart oompany gathered 300 strong at a costume ball In Salt Lake Wednesday night A contract was let last ween by the Price River Irrigation company for the completion of from four and one-half miles to five miles more of the big canal being built by the company on the mesa west of the Price river. Age and general debility were the contributing causes which resulted in the death at Ephraim on the 21st of Henry Beal, president of Snow academy, acad-emy, patriarch of the Mormon church, pioneer of Sanpete county, and proml-lent proml-lent man in public affairs. That the farmers of Cache county will stand pat on the three demands that have been made oy the Inter-mountain Inter-mountain Farmers' Productive association associ-ation for better price for beets, Is declared de-clared by the executive committee of the Cache County Farmers' association. associa-tion. The Harrisville cut-off, which brings Brigham City within less than an hour's ride from Ogden, and pro-rides pro-rides the connecting link in the inter-urban inter-urban electric system between Salt Lake and the Box Elder metropolis, was formally opened for traffic last R'eelc At a meeting of the farmers' association as-sociation h'.id at fJuunison to discuss the Matiti forest reserve situation, it was unanimously voted to assess each member of the association. ?1 to further fur-ther the work of fighting against increased in-creased grazing on the reserve by Eheep men. Ogden has sixty-four and a half miles of paved sidewalks, thirty-three and a quarter miles of curbs and gutters, gut-ters, thirty-two and nine-tenths miles of sewers, nearly three miles of paved streets of asphaltum, two city reservoirs, reser-voirs, with a capacity of 20,000,000 gallons of water. The Gunnison Commercial club will meet each week hereafter to discuss plans to make public the resources of the Gunnison valley, which is now Bupplied with an up-to-date waterworks water-works system and electric light plant and have thousands of acres of good land awaiting the homeseeker. It Is announced that within ten days the Payson Electric- Railroad company, com-pany, which is about to build an in-terurban in-terurban electric line between Salt Lake and Payson, Utah county, will ask for franchises from the city council coun-cil and the county commissioners. The financing of a project to extend the Laramie, Hahn's Peak & Pacific railroad from Fox Park, Wyo., across northwestern Colorado into eastern Utah, terminating in the asphaltum beds of Wasatch county, said to be the largest in the world, has been arranged ar-ranged for in Boston, it Is said. Representatives of the Salt Lake High school in the Inter-high school debating contests, under the auspices of the University of Utah, will be Miss Vera Taft ana Charles Howard, both seniors, the winners of the medals med-als offered by the Sons and Daughters Daugh-ters of the American Revolution. For the purpose of building a railroad rail-road into the heart of Emery county that will tap the untold wealth of its coal and mineral deposits, and make possible , the development of rich agricultural ag-ricultural lands, the Eastern Utah Railway company has been organized and financed for immediate activity. Mrs. Joseph G. Smith, of Greenville, Green-ville, fell against the corner of a trunk and broke three of her ribs. Fire, breaking out in the Anderson-Fisher planing mills at Kicafield, entailed a loss of fG.OOO to the owners of the plant. The board of education of Logan has decided to issue a call for a bonding bond-ing election, the same to be held Tuesday, March 7. The bonds will be for $35,000, the proceeds to be used for constructing a central school to relieve the congestion now existing in tha public schools. |