Show folks around town by mrs E 9 B simonson mr and mrs eugene hunt and f mily ard rd the stanley harta hart azre sp erding the holida holide 5 with weir si sia families the ray gibbs and mike Sear sons in antioch calif mgt charles tasker and wife are holiday visitors at the home of the H C baskers they are now located in sacramento calif the christmas lighting contest sponsored by the legion auxiliary resulted in mr and mrs monroe noblitt relieving rec ieving first prize OK 0 K anderson second prize and ray sherrills Sher riUs home third prize mr and mrs airs wilmer thompson and family were christmas visitors at the home of the rowland thomp sons and lloyd bakers mr air and mrs jon kent ross and mr and mrs kay king and son spent christmas at the home of geo hatch in regina new mexico mrs harold sturges was an over christmas 1 visitor at the H C task ers mr and mrs darrell ross and family accompanied by mrs christ me ine ross are in san diego visiting at the boyd ross home mrs christ me ine ross will remain for a longer stay john D byers was back in green river after an extended stay in the price hospital he is recovering nice ly from the accident that sent him to the hospital the seminary class taught by miss una gillies enjoyed a waffle break fast at the L D S church last friday morning everything usually app earing on a breakfast table was in evidence as well as many items not partaken of in breaking the fast mayor and mrs devere curtis spent christmas in hiawatha mr and mr issac stott are spend ing mg the holidays holidays with two sons max and don in salt sa t lake city the W 0 Bick Bic mores were down horn hom salt lake over christmas at the home of 0 K anderson mr and mrs airs james hurst flew to range creek christmas and en joyed dinner with mr and mrs budge wilcox A christmas Christma 5 program was given at the L D S church on sunday night A pageant was given depicting seen es of the nativity with violet brock and ralph dennis as narrators and a group of choral singers assisting mr and mrs bill peterson were over sunday visitors at the M ME E the following officers were elected at tle tl e december Decem bet bei meeting of the art ests club mrs marjorie howland president mrs maude wilson vice president mrs helen tidwell sec see detary mrs gladys jones treasur er mrs verna lou gledhill pub lacity director hugh jennings a onetime one time res dent of green river and well known as a conductor on the D R G rail road died last week at the home of of his son in illinois burial was in salt lake city where he and his wife made their home he had worked for the railroad for more than 50 years and was still on active duty from an item a few days ago in the salt lake tribune it seems tha that there is still the possibility that green river will be fortunate enough to obtain a uranium mill the arthur ekkers and ekker and family spent christmas in salt lake city at the home of mrs millie biddlecome |