Show national political review by BONNIE WILSON green river high school graduate and student of political science university of utah president eisenhower Elsen hower has returned to the white house in almost per feet health it has been reported that he will be able to resume most of his duties and carry things out in a normal procedure the question of his political plans for 1956 will be for the present left for discussion in the future when convention time rolls around the president will announce whether or not he will run again and the republican will ivill take it t from fron there recent reports indicate that there is a plan far drafting chief justice warren for fot he the presidential nom mation despite his absolute refusal previously obviously russia is situated per manent ly in m the middle east they have the united states and britain on the spot so to speak premier nasser of egypt has stated that they waited for years for the west to supply them with arms and when britian threatened to cut off aid they had but one alternative russian aid the germany situation dosen t see in to improve with time in fact it appears matters are becoming wor se moscow has only returned half of the promised amount of german war prisoners it seems that they are holding back purposefully with this intent in mind they plan to be able to resume full diplomatic relations relation 3 with west germany plus more in the bonn government german re habilitation for the present time is much like that of 1917 germany be fore hitler s fascist movement st ormed the country this should be food for thought for russian diplo mats weimer republic days did much to encourage A spark that forever glows in the german st ate and the prevailing condition is reminiscent to that period of time prece proceeding eding its overthrow |