Show drilling started by moab mines in wyoming subsequent to a property inspect tion by moab I 1 lines inc president and fe geologist william J 0 owen en moab mines and a large bu business sin ne ss interest in denver colorado have engaged utah drilling company to drill their properties in the new dis covery area twenty miles north of douglas in converse county wyo nung ming properties consist of twenty eight claims near the loma mine f four ou r claims near the kerr mcgee a and additional d sam am day ore bodies and five additional i claims covering airborne anomalies ano found by the atomic en ergy commission initial inspection of all properties was made by mr owen over the labor day weekend and thence surveys and traverses for hot spots were made by moab mines inc fieldman field man ronald seibel and douglas penman after careful study of the result ing maps it was decided a fence line drilling pattern would be used on the claims and utah drilling company moved the drilling equip ment onto the property and began drilling september 26 1955 up to feet of drilling is plated |