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Show Her Old Chare In Danjwr. There is a well to do young southern ! man in this city who lives in a handsome j residence not far from Central park, and : who bos among other valued possessions j a family of seven children. ! He bad been "brought tip" by an old ne- I gro "mammy" somewhere near Alexan- dria. Vs., aud when his wife suggested ' that another nurse be secured for the chil- j dren bis thoughts reverted 10 Aunt Maria, j He decided to bring the old negress here, I and in a few weeks she was comfortably Installed in the nursery, much to the awe of the northern born young southrons, who were not familiar with the institutions of , a bygone age, and who did not quite on- I derstand Aunt Maria's authority. j The young man has a telephone in bis house, and as the old negress bad never heard of that invention she looked upon it ' at first with wonder and then with suspi- 1 cion. The jingliiiK bell, receiver and other 1 necessary adjuncts were more than Aunt ' Maria's mind could master. She would never go near "dat debbil's t'ing nohow." j Finally one day S. rang up from his of- See, and after a brief conversation request- I ed his wife to eend the old woman to the j telephone. A great deal of persuasion was i required to make her consent, but she was ! finally induced to place the receiver at her ear and listen. "Is that you, Aunt Maria?" inquired S. over the wire. Ad expression of astonishment spread over the old woman's countenance, quickly followed by one of awe and another of fear. I For several minutes she stood bewildered, and then she shouted: "L-L-Lawd a masse. Mars' Randolp'I How you done git down in dar?" j Then she decided that he could not but ! be in danger. "Come out'en itl" she cried. ! "Youse up to some more dem pranks like 1 when you was a chile. Come out'en itl You'll git hurt. I'se comin' den arter you," and with that she started toward the street door. Mrs. S. bad hard work to keep Aunt Maria at home until "Mars' Randolp' " arrived. ar-rived. She refused to have matters explained, ex-plained, but abjured bim by everything not "to go down in dar again." She has never gone near the telephone since. New York Herald. |