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Show AS OTIIKRS SEE IS. (luorgfl O 1I ret Writes About IIIh His co lit Trii. In a letter to the Dcsercf. Ac wit, George Goddard writes, among other things connected with his recent trip up here, as follows: On Saturday between four and eight o'clock our devoted Stake Supi r'.utendenl., Elder O. Snow, favored us with a drive to the elevated ele-vated bench on which their waterworks water-works are erected, and from which Brigham City is abundantly supplied sup-plied with spring water for domestic domes-tic and lawn purposes. From tins mountain summit the commanding com-manding view of the adjacant country is very extensive the city of Corinne is plainly visible. Our next drive was through the canyon, which presents a variety of mountain scenery and always affords a. pleasing change to those tired of city life. Emerging from the canyon an open phi Leau presents itself, with cultivated farms, fields and orchards, and a good sized settlement known ns Mantua. We noticed a comfortable meeting house and quite a variety of commodious dwelling houses and shade trees of many 3'ears errowih. It reminds me of thirty-one years ago, when I noticed the first house thaj was built there, while travelling to and from Cache Valley, and thought what a lonely and exposed location for a family to risk a res i d c n ce u po n . Now there is a thriving settlement of between -100 and 500 inhabitants, and tho once rugged and barren laud yields fruitful and productive food for man and beast. What a change can be produced on the face of nature after the skill and industry of man have been manifested upon it! Our visit to lirigham ami Wil-lard Wil-lard cities has been an enjoyable and, 1 sincerely hope, a proiitable one, for that is the motive that prompts us in our labors of love towards the moral and religious training of the youth of Zion. |