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Show How Uir (iunnliil. J It, is a beau iVul thing t read t he cabli disp.it.eheH of the giv;'t allectinn ami wimr.rh. wlnh th.- !-. ;il hc,v t- K:ng ' ft' ilrt.iru 11 of j(rin:::y when he curjd ; into Ji-Tlfn after p '..'inig a day revioiv- I lug hi;i troops. The pii.turcs in tho iuvy- trauduiiv,', -p ip.-r-', .t k. ,( ihe kaii;.-:1 v::'.-hig v::'.-hig along on a beautiful and .-piritcJ ' h'orse, sniiliiig with p.tternal love upc:i his siiiije(;ts, while the crowds throw thfiir luits in rhu uir- ani scream with bfpine-t at in s: "lit of him, may bo a Boiii'ro of Kiitii'.ieii a. t.o the. puunsher of ; tne paper, but they am very far from "' true. I liavo knowa tho young cmp'-rur lo ride through a .crowd o? his t.uojL-ctfi en many a day when l.ij brow u;u cloud.-d ami his eyes r;u,:ued over tae fa:eH alertly. liis ollicers turned their tr.cka on the 'eTnj5:ror, but no ino .bought it a bn-:wrli Of. etiquette. They, too, watched the . pe-)ple with caseli-jt vigilance. At tho points wliuru thu crowd stuod tliickcfit tlie faces of Ihe policemeu were tmncd ( away from llio emperor as they Uaia-d ; half forward on their liorsesund watched j every movemi'iiL of the throng narrowly j A humlrcd I'ecL in advauce-'of tho em- perpr there always rodo nix members of tho mounted police. They uro the ehrewth-st and beat men in tiio service. A little close scrutiny showed that they were not on piirndu. lCvcry window nnd every house top was scaimed as they came along. Tuo emjjeror- usually rode surroiuided by a group of gencnJj. 1m-mediately 1m-mediately back of tiie general Were more police. In the crowd the detectives weiv im thick as Hies. Blakeley Uall in Philadelphia Timed. - , , |