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Show BINGHAM. It is announced semi-officially that the United States company has determined to build refining plants for the treatment of the crude bullion which now comes from the furnaces of its smelter. smel-ter. The new plants will cost $3,000,000. They will be established at different points in the east. The American Smelting & Refining company, it is believed in some quarters, has consummated the purchase of a large, if not a controlling interest in-terest in the Utah Copper company. Whether or not this is true it is evident that the relations of the two corporations are of the most intimate character. Clarence McCornick has been elected a director of the Boston Consolidated. This company has begun to engage material and labor necessary for the preliminary work on "Bos-tonia," "Bos-tonia," as the mill town at Pelican Point is to be christened. Utah Consolidated smelter is turning turn-ing out in the neighborhood of 30 tons of matte every day, and there is reason to anticipate a $2 dividend the middle of the year. Utah Copper ; company is cleaning up about $1,000 a day on its '1 mill at Bingham. Engineers and draughtsmen are now working in the company offices on the plans H for the enlarged copper plant aouth of the lake. It is proposed to have the new mill in readiness ijJ by August. Copper Glance tunnel has a body '1 of ore in the breast which runs 8 per cent cop- il per. It is in the hill for 745 feet. Samuel New- ' house has taken an option on 450,000 shares of the 'iH North Bingham, which owns territory four miles JH north of Bingham canyon. Tetro sent in two i cars of medium grade ore from the drift 300 feet iH below the tunnel level, Tuesday. The mineral jH was taken out in the course of development work. 11 Recent developments at the Bingham Central KH enable old-timers to make a good guess as to 11 the next property in camp which will break into the shipping class. TINTIC. H The Mammoth is again in operation after a fl brief suspension. A force of 80 men is engaged and the number will soon be increased to 150. H There will be a corresponding increase in output. Eagle & Blue Bell has purchased from the jH town of Eureka for $100 the ground needed for a sidetrack. On the 750 level of the Godiva the ore body shows a considerable improvement over 11 the conditions found on the level above, and it is anticipated that the values will be still greater 'JM when the connection is made on the 800 level. iil Mdy Day marketed four cars of second grade, 11 unsorted rock, from all parts of the mine this jH week. The last shipment of the same quality of ore netted the company about $10 a ton. Ad- 'tl vices from the mine state that a car of first grade has been saved and is ready for shipment. The new boiler is to be shipped from Salt Lake as iH soon as the roads are in condition to make ; transportation possible. Victor Consolidated is maintaining an output of from 8 to 10 cars a '1 month, the ore running 12 per cent copper and ',1 $5 gold to the ton. Yankee Consolidated sent ';H two cars of its normal silver-lead ore to the i smelters Tuesday. Manager J. J. Trenam of the Stockton has gone east to arrange for the purchase of the heavier machinery needed in order to increase 'H the depth of the Stockton workings. '!' Machinery for the steam power plant of the t'l Annie Laurie mine at Kimberley is now at Sevier station and will be installed in the next few days. !' The plant is intended to supplement the water power plant which frequently goes out of busi- ' 'M ncss during the dry weather. ill |