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Show ILEMP'S BEERl Is the Drink of the Nation Healthful, Strengthening, Delicious I The Great St. Louis J Draught and Bottled Beer I PfV Exclusive Salt Lake Agents I I ELK LIQUOR CO. ?. . f? JELLY, Prop. Phone 2065 -X o7Jf? tffafe a70 Frsf South Sts, Only Transcontinental Line Passing j Dlreotly Through Salt Lake City. Connections made In Ogden Union Dopoi with All Trains of Southern Pacific and Oregon Short Line. HB offers choice of 3 FAST THROUGH TRAINS 0 DAILY " J And Tfcrcc Distinct Scenic Routes. HK Pullman Palace and Ordinary Bleeping Cars to H DENVER, OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO Without Change. Free Reollnlng Chair Cars. Personally Conduoted Excursions. A Perfect Dining Car Servloe. For rates, folders, etc., inquire of nearest Tloket Agent, or write I. A. BENTON, Gen. Agt. Past. Dept., Salt Lake City. I I JBL when I H GOING B EAST Hj TRY THE I ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD THE SHORT LINE TO Minneapolis and St. Paul. Unexcelled H service to these points as well as Chicago and I- all points south. Between Omaha and Chicago this line runs through the best districts in Iowa and Illinois, passing through Fort Dodge, Waterloo and Dubuque, Iowa and Rockford and Freeport, Illinois. For full information and literature call on or write. J. A. FOLEY, Commercial Agent. 76 East 2nd South Street. Salt Lake City, Utah UNIQUE PLACE TO EAT. Have you taken lunch on the balcony of the Royal Cafe? The luncheon Is fine, and with the view included, the combination is delightful. For flrst-class cakes and pastry call up 770, both phones. Prompt delivery. WALKER BROS. I BANKERS 1 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Etlabllthid 1859. 1 A Central Banking Butlniit.Transactid. Safilj Diposll Bout tor Rtnt. I NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC I U. S. DEPOSITARY. I FRANK KNCT- President I JAMES A. M KRAY Vice-President I W. F. ADAMS Cashier I Capital Tald In $300,000. Banking in all Its branches transacted. Exchange f drawn on the prlnolple cities of Europe. Interest Paid on Tlmo Deposits. GAS HEATERS I Cheap, Effective, Instantaneous For Offices Bedrooms, Bathrooms Call at No. 1 1 South Main St. UTAH LIGHT & RAILWAY CO. I UTAH AND NEYADA MINING INVESTMENTS I Reliable Information cheerfully given. Send for Wookly Markot Lettor. Correspondence solicited. so-licited. We may bo able to savo you money. W. H. T1BBALS 200 DOOLY BLOCK Telephone 1081. Salt Lake City, Utah. I THREE points to think of when you get an ab- f t atraot of title to real estate: 1 . Completeness. 1 2. Accuracy. R 3. Responsibility Three reasons why the Utah Savings & TruBt Company make two-thirds of the abstracts made In Salt Lake county. 160 south main. H S. D. EVANS, Undertaker and Embalmsr. I I OPEN ALL NIOHT. 213 STATE ST., SALT LAKE. TEL. 36 H R. G. DUN I Sye.rcanti,e &AA George Rust. Gen'l Manager, i Utah, Idaho, Wyoming. ELI L, PRICE O R O Q E5 R POULTRY, PISH AND GAME IN SEASON , 18 South Mtvln Street, V 'Phone 865 Salt Lake Turf Exchange 208 MAIN ST. i CALIFORNIA AND EASTERN RACES Send to TRIBUNE JOB PRINTING CO., Print-era Print-era of Goodwin's Weekly, for anything In printing print-ing lines. Phones 718. 0. P. Held & Co. are still In the Are insurance business, but they have moved to their new loca- i tlon, 23 East First South. 1 |