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Show II I Httractfoe 4- I SLtisfacforylorK. ? I H 3H r M P ! m. m l )' Hfe I 3 I -ss-v 1 W Well YES! That's our reputation. To produce E !3 SPl8C 1., i-.u: l?J y! we combine Experience, Skill, Modern Methods 3 Is-' " In Derbies, Hedoras, with prompt service. R InecRwear, Underwear, hosiery, 6!ove$, $u$pender$, niabt i wy E Robes, Pajamas, negligee $Wrt$, gane$ and Umbrellas. telephone 192. mSSkt E 11 Brown, Terry & Woodruff Co., 166 Main St. j fROY LAVNDRY, 166 MAIN STREET. H I ()ur geruke i W'l 4 To a large nurnber of Mining Companies fr 11 I ALL OYER THE WEST. I m j I 3 We Clip Everything Said I 4 about every roining property, aQd mail the j 1 clippings daily. ! II 1 P I 1 I j -3 WE SAVE YOU TIME I 1 1 money and trouble, and you always have f I ! j a complete, interesting and valuable record ? 1- 4 of the development of your property. I If & III if ij Write us a note, Box 1074. Asl us the n ; i price, it is small, II j Iriter-JVfoimtairi press I If j Clipping Bureau, I H j SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. F I ON SALE 3 HOURS ONLY !j Y i " v ! 2 Big- Bargains I Saturday Night :: FROM 7 TO I O ' :i iBVH fl imh jjjBB3tllGHB5fiiKfliffiWBB JyibustfiH CiBIHBbC T i Ladies' White Ladies' j i Embroidered White Ribbed j I Handkerchiefs, Sleeveless Yests I Lace trimmed yoke and shoulder : In new and exclusive designs, bands. These vests were bought I worth up to 40c, on sale Sat- to sell at 35c. Ladies will have urday night from 7 to IO, at the chance t0 buY them Saturday night from 7 to 10, at 1 17c 14c 1 t EACH EACH |