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Show m I Following nro the events scheduled for the Bj H Country Club durinc October: B 1 Saturday, October 11th Tea at 4 o'clock; hos- B B tess, Airs. F. S. Boscom; table d'hote dinner at B 9 6:30 o'clock. B Wednesday, October 16th Visitors' day (each I i ( ' member limited to two guests). Tea and putting Bj j K contest at 4 o'clock; hosts, the bachelor officers; H M buffet supper G:30 to 8:30 o'clock. K ft Saturday, October ISth Tea at 4 o'clock (pro- 111 gramme gold schedule); hostess, Mrs. William B. mil Sprague; buffet luncheon 12:30 to 2 o'clock. Ill Wednesday, October 22d Table d'hote lunch-Bj lunch-Bj . K con at 1 o'clock. Wt m Saturday, October 25th Tea and clock golf at IS ! 4 o'clock; hostess, Mrs. R. H. Channing; table 8 d'hote dinner at 6:30 o'clock. H j B J i m A wedding around which much interest cen- K ; B tered was that of Miss Pauline Groo, daughter of B ( m Mr. and Mrs. Byron Groo, and Mr. Arthur Davies, H' )9k which took place at St.' Mark's Cathedral on Tues- Hi M day evening. A small reception at the home of H ; 3 the bride's parents followed the ceremony at the i church, and later Mr. and Mrs. Davies left for Iff the Pacific coast, on their wedding trip. They B will be at home, in Park City, after January 1, B 1903. HJj , !W Hi ;H Charming indeed was tho reception given on Hn m Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. James X. Ferguson H i iM and Mrs. Albert Cooper Allen, at the home of H; tag the former. The house was beautifully adorned Hj ' m with flowers, a string orchestra furnished delight- H ; 3 ful music and the afternoon was in every way a m m success. Bb h K' Ik Beautifully appointed in every detail was tho K ' m card party given on Monday last in honor of Miss H ' B Amy Bersbach, of Chicago, by Miss Porter, at B : Sg the Kenyon. Hearts was the game played, and H ! m tlie tallies and score-cards were heart-shape, m W hand-painted designs with dainty sketches and B B Gibson girls. Red and white were the prevailing B ; B colors in the decorations of the parlors. Sixty B- B friends of the young people enjoyed the after- B Mm noon, tho prizes being awarded to Miss Bersbach, IH Mrs. S. C. Park, Mrs. Robert H. Officer and Miss II Abbie Wells. M H A hundred or more guests enjoyed the recep- m iion given on Monday evening last by Duncan W McVichie and Mrs. Corning, in honor of their sis- p ter, Mrs. Wright, of Michgan. The house was m done all in green and white, and very beautiful it looked. The host and hostess were assisted S during the evening by Mrs. A. J. Hosmer, Mrs. m C. R. Foarsall, Mrs. Robert H. Officer and Mrs. m Charles Post. -M ta A brilliant social event was the reception given ,fi on Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. George Dern and HU ( Mrs. John Henry Dern. The house was gor- H J geously decorated, the beautiful shades of au- H' 8 tumu predominating. Yellow and brown were Hi "S seen in tho drawing-room, red and green in the H! hall, red in the library and red and white in the H'f If dining-room. Mrs. Hal W. Brown and Mrs. Clif- Hf f frt R Pearsall asisted in receiving; Mrs. Sani- H'tls uel Adams of Denver and Mrs. William H. Cun- Hdfff ningham assisted in the dining-room, and the f Misses McMillan and McGrath served punch. Hji More than two hundred friends of the hostesses H2 enjoyed their charming hospitality. The Assemblies, which have been among the most delightful of the winter's social functions in the past, are to be resumed this year. The first will be held at Christensen's new hall, during Thanksgiving week. An elaborate luncheon was that given at the Alta Club, on Thursday afternoon, by Mrs. Robert Rob-ert G. Smith and Miss Noble. Mrs. Alfred Bersbach and Miss Amy Bersbach, of Chicago, who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Don Porter for two weeks, leave for their home tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bancroft have moved into their new home on East South Temple street. Mrs. George Sutherland is at home to her friends, at the Kenyon. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kinney, of Honolulu, were welcomed to Salt Lake City by many old-time friends last week. Invitations were last week received in this city by a number of society people to attend a euchre party to be given by Mrs. Ralph Emerson Hoag, at tho Reed hotel in Ogden, on Thursday afternoon. |