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Show Hidsorv's Market Letter. Salt Lake City, July 10. Business on the Exchange has been more active for the past week and at advanced prices, the dividend payers especially were very strong. Tintic shipments for the past week are as follows fol-lows Ajax, 3 cars; Bullion Beck, 2; Carisa, 3; Dragon Iron Mine, 1; Eagle & Blue Bell, 2; Gemini, 10; Lower Mammoth, 2; May Day, 2; Sioux Utah Lease, 2; Uncle Sam, 5; Yankee Con., 6; Concentrates Concen-trates from the May Day Jigs, 2 cars, and the Mammoth mill, 2 cars. The Mammoth mill also shipped 2 bars of bullion. Park City shipments were: Daly West, 3,370,000 pounds; Ontario, 1,002,000; Anchor Con. (Daly-Judge), (Daly-Judge), 348,000, and the Silver King, 1,323,180 pounds. I The Ajax shipped 3 cars of ore last week and closed 31c bid, offered 32 l-2c. The Carisa company made a strike in the Spy H Ground of high-grade copper ore; the stock has H been fairly active, from 27c to 27 l-2c. B The Consolidated Mercur has shown a great deal B of strength, selling as high as $2.05 1-8, and the B stockholders are receiving checks for another B month's dividends from this "Old Reliable." This B makes a total of $745,000 paid in dividends since B the consolidation of the Mercur and the Golden B Gkite properties and there is over ten times this B amount in ore values in sight at the present time, B with new discoveries being made with the pro-B pro-B gression of the development work. There is a B large demand for this stock, as it is considered one B of the best mining investments in Utah. The clos-B clos-B ing quotations were, $2.04 1-2 bid, $2.05 asked. B The directors of the Daly West have posted a B dividend of 60 cents per share; this is an. increase M of 20 cents over previous months. The stock sold up to $55.75 and closed with $54.95 bid and $55 IB asked. H Grand Central has advanced in the last week IB 50 cents per share, owing to the new arrange-M arrange-M ments made for handling their ore and new dell de-ll velopments in the mine. The stock changed hands B at $3.50 on the morning call. IB The Dry Process mill of the May Day property B is undergoing a new series of alterations; the B stock is inactive, closing weak with 19c bid and B 19 5-Sc asked. Bj Northern Light has made a discovery of a body B of chloride of silver ore. This chute of ore will B be thoroughly prospected by sinking a winze be-B be-B low the tunnel level. The stock is inactive at 3 l-2c B to 4c. fl G. R. Bothwell, president of the Sacramento, left for the property this morning, to be present at Bj tfce starting of the new mill. This stock has Bj advanced within the last fifteen days from 24c to Bj 30c, and is looked upon to be one of the best invest-M invest-M ments listed on the board. H Swansea has closed down indefinitely, on account H of the high freight rates on ore. The stock closed H at 85c bid, 95c asked. B A- gold bar of the value of $3000 is expected to B arrive in town today, representing the earnings of B a ten-day run at the Century mill. The mill is working satisfactorily with eleven stamps, the re-Bj re-Bj maining five stamps will be dropping by the end K of the week, when a much larger clean-up can be H made. The stock is firm, selling from 32c to 33c, closing with a bid of 32c, offered at 34c. Bj The Martha Washington is exhibiting a chunk of H ore from their recent strike, reported to assay $8 H to gold, 222 ounces in silver, 15 per cent copper. B The stock advanced during the week to 6 cents, closing with sales at 4 cents. t B Dab'-Judge has made an, advance of $1 on the report of a twelve-foot breast of Galena ore. The Bptock is being sought for today at $8 per share, Bj Reports from Park City to the effect that the Wabash had caught the ledgp, advanced this stock from $1.20 to $1.40. Early in the week Mr. Samuel Newhouse visited the O. K. mine of the Majestic company and declared de-clared that it is a world's wonder. We will be pleased to answer any inquiries concerning con-cerning any stock listed on our exchange or located in the Intermountain country. If examination are desired we will have them made by competent mining engineers, with the least expense possible. Yours Very Truly, HUDSON SONS CO. |