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Show m f Sr 1 ' P 'iS 1 1 Mansfield appears tonight in "Ivan the Terri- Wk ' fffllf I ble," and he will play to a glorious audience. P 11! If Every seat has been sold, and the fortunate pos- Bl It'll sessors of the pasteboards will see what is said H mW P t0 be one of tho most marvelous dramatic produc- I tlf ' tions of the year. Hi j) ',i w B ? f? jM rt Is unfortunate that the Press Club arranged B' " P 'will tne dates of the Ham sll0W or the flrst t)f next Bl "' Jill week. B'! jfijf This, of course, was what the Mansfield man- B Wf agement took into consideration when arranging H LJL for a one night stand. Mr. Mansfield has never B miii before been afraid of competition, but concluded B life J that hIs 8tay would be a losn proposition if pro- B lifll!1 longed more than one night B ?iml & & & I ! wS I MAUDE ADAMS. B tlifflf Maude Adams -is a most determined little wo- fifraf man FollowmS ner EToat triumph in "The Lit- H ' Iffll tie Minister," in which she began, her starring H flPn career, and presented fory three consecutive sea- B r sons, continuing in New York alone for two jH I ,! years, thdre has been an unprecedented demand 1 it for her to make a trip to the Pacific coast pre B 1, senting this play, but it was never found possi- B iliti! le t0 arranS tne necessary bookings by her IB li III manager, Charles Frohman, until the present Bea- B ! Illi son M'ss Adams was orn n tnis city, and has S ill 111 long desIred to malce a visit t tnIs section, and B I IfjfHjf this will be her first trip across the continent B i JHH at G liead of ner own organization. Her reg- B. ' H89f ular our was to nave close(i about the 1st of '''PiiBi May, and it was arranged Yor her to take her an- B 'lifii nual rp uroDe The Hlqmand from the west K ill for Mss AdaW kpt growjpg and she resolved B fj to make a supplementary tpur, and in this way B Kjf will realize one of her many, ambitions, and that B j is to make a tour of the far west In her original B M . play. The date of her engagement hefe is for B Mi j Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights (no mat- B lip inee), May 23-24-25. B 'li' & & & H T lit if Such a glorious concert as that given "by the ll-'ffn Orpheus Club assisted by the Chaminade trio, B hPj at the theater on Thursday night, was deserving B it III eter Patronage. The clu,b was never heard to f,iMl better advantage and the Chaminade trio made Hi i'ifjli a great hit. Hi w j - THE SINNER'S SONG (By Richard Mansfield.) If once at bay I touched a crime In boyhfiod, hot-head, needless time, And all my neighbors rang the chime! Wherever I might wander, Do you believe I could outlive Or that my neighbors would forgive That stretching stain of slander? Do you believe thot I could rise And, by my doughty deeds and wise, Wash out that blot, I wonder? Or, if I strived In doing good, And saving all the souls I could Wherever I might wander, ' Would that one stain upon my name Outweigh my labor and my fame? Alas, you know it would! - "Would, all my struggles, all my tears, For days and nights, for months, for years, Be ever understood? My sorrow and my piteous prayer Might reach Almighty's gracious ear, But would my neighbor hear? O gentle kind! O kind mankind! O thieves and liars, deaf and blind, But never, never dumb. O beasts that drabble in your pen, And beasts that wear the garb of men, What lionor to "be one! Could I haye hid that early crime And turned my sycophantine chime o key with pleasing lies. And stuff beast's loathsome belly-full And pat his elephantine hull Or please his amorous eyes: How good were I! How wise were I! How well I'd live! How damned I'd die! w w The Held Band concert last Sunday evening was an unqualified success with honors shared alike by the clever people in the Orpheus company, com-pany, and Mr. Held and his band. From point oT numbers and enthusiasm "this" concert was probably prob-ably the most gratifying of the season series, and Held's band has surely caught the town. |