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Show COMMENTS ON THE "HAM SHOW." Correctly Quoted, From a Generous and Scholarly Public. F. D. Did not compare with the Elks' circus. I was in that myself. H A. J. -I have seen "Hamlet" played by the greatest actors in the world and never cared for the scene where the Roman actors played at "Hamlet's" request before the king. H. H. Burlesques should stick closer to the original. The whole scene in the original book between Ophelia and Iago was cut in the Ham show. M. S.--I cannot discuss the Ham show. It is against my religious principles. J. S. L. That isn't "Hamlet" as I helped Booth play it at BIsbee in 1841. D. H. P. The chorus was rotten and most of the dialogue was lifted bodily from "The Virginian." Vir-ginian." H. McC. Too much money was spent on th production. L. D. F. As a business man I admired Shy-lock. Shy-lock. I always did admire Jack London's characters. char-acters. R. W. S. I have never heard anything more perfect on the stage than Sam King's Irish dialect. dia-lect. B F. H. The Press club should not be allowed al-lowed t6 play in public. It takes the people's minds from the water question. T. K. I never seen nothing so absurd as putting DIcken's favorite character, Sherlock Holmes, in William Q. Shakespeare's works. The Italian actors is also absurd. I never met one of them when I was in Rome. R. S. I think the reference to Me and Chairman Chair-man Burrows in the second act was an uncalled for assault. I have written to Mr. Stratford-on-Avon about it P. S. H. Having examined the records and found that there was no postal department in Rome, I am surprised that Cassius and Brutus made a killing. B. H. R. The scene in the Senate did not appeal to me. Hy. D. Juliet looked like an Heiress I met in Armenia, Tex., in '69. F. S. F. Mr. Culmer stole his Swedish dialect from Ibsen's "Beside the Bonnie Briar Bush." I knew Hamlet well and he never talked that way to me. G. D. P. John Spencer's scene on the Btep-ladder Btep-ladder was perfect. His season with Amelia Bingham in "The Climbers" proved of great value. Arch. M. (by special cable) Sincere regrets to Mr. Shylock on loss of securities. Paul H.f The property man was very careless in the matter of furnishing legs for Julius Caesar. Bertie M. Lincoln J. Carter never produced a more passionate play. |