Show ire new gsg for saturday apy every lady who buys a new coat picks out her 0 0 0 new spring hat and 0 0 3 gets g ets it FREE every lady who buys a pair of slippers gets gels a pair of silk hose FREE all new goods latest t seyl styles best qualities buy with confidence dier rice fitting out the chofe whole 44 Tamil family is our specialty brigham tremonton Tre monton PRORATE GUARDIAN guardianship SHII NOTICES consult connly chull or sinners ssi ikas for I 1 nr further information NOTICE ICE TO CREDITORS estate of 0 margaret J harding deceased creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned undersigner under signed at brigham city utah or leroy B young brigham city utah attorney for or said estate on or before the day of may A D 1926 collin H wood executor of the estate ol of margaret J harding deceased date of first publication tiou march 30 20 A D 1928 LEROY B YOUNG atty tor for executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS CREDI TOnS estate 0 of martin G hansen deceased creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned undersigner under signed at her residence at east forest street brigham utah on or before t the he day ot of slay may A D 1926 alice al hansen administratrix ot of martin G hansen deceased date of first publication march 23 A D 1926 FRED J HOLTON atty for estate NOTICE TO CREDITORS estate of 0 john F P roberts deceased creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned undersigner under signed at ath south street brigham city utah or D R roberts ogden utah on or before the day of august A D 1926 jeannette H roberts administratrix of the estate of john P roberts deceased date of first publication april 16 A D 1926 D R ROBERTS atty tor for administratrix I 1 room eccles bid g ogden utah ucb s ro c e r NA at 6 AMO a the house of nationally advertised merchandise we ca can n save you money on quality meats and groceries 10 bars P G soap 10 bars F W soap 1 jap rose FREE 7 cakes P and G white naptha soap A L L F IRIEL 2 cakes ivory soap medium size i 9 2 cakes guest ivory F ipke I 1 ivory soap flakes 1 chilso large size 1 WHITE IWHITE ENAMEL PAIL regular value 1 ib can hershey cocoa 3 lux toilet soap 1 lb ib cans aytona baking powder 2 cans string beans beef pot roasts rhubarb asparagus spinach lettuce green onions radishes tomatoes etc W FN V brigham corinne WE DELIVER 7 MA NT ADS C WANT COLUMN WILL PAY the biddles ac per ib tor for rags B C laundry 30 LOST two boy scout patrol record books return to nello christoffer son so main alain street it LOST A ladys brown hand band bag reward return to news office it the rho premier dance of the season may 1st ast academy of music it FOUND one ona edison song record call at news office it FOR RENT modern three room room furnished apartment N north orth main alain street pd I 1 HOUSE FOR RENT call 1 tt tf FOR OR SALE seed oats phone ass W aa 20 pd five ive room modern house tor for rent mrs laura morris aa tt tf FOR RENT two furnished rooms for light housekeeping west forest street pd get the benefit of the hig big sale on art and millinery goods at the LE BON TON blau and blau props it FOR RENT acres of range land tor for cattle or sheep leroy D white phone 83 J 1 ala tf COMFORT and SAFETY depends on wiring you never see G E wiring 9 system tor for lifetime service I 1 installed 11 by W R mehner tt tf GET YOUR SEED and table potatoes at HORSLEYS 27 LIST with me your real estate or livestock I 1 have excellent facilities tor for serving you or it you wish to buy I 1 can find what you want norman lee brigham city utah tf take your FOOT TROUBLES to dr r fishburn burn 26 lewis odgen LET US finish your films tor for you we finish every day comptons comptois Com art music company ala tf t peterson lerson Pe says dont miss the high prices he Is paying for chickens they wont last much longer BRING YOUR KODAK FILMS in today and got get them tomorrow comp tons art music co ala tt tf REAL ESTATE LOANS 1 I am prepared to make a 20 year installment loan a straight loan for 5 or 10 years all with prepayment privileges and at low rates of inte interest resL norman lee brigham city utah tf GET YOUR SEED and table potatoes at HORSLEYS 27 FOR RENTAL RENT AL A N fishburne Fish burns modern home on south main street see F W fishburn ma tt tf automobiles WANTED cash paid tor for your old cars and trucks first north auto salvage alg tt tf EVERYONE would have a in their homo home today if they fully realized the character of the programs that aro are being broadcast every evening R Q 3 A Rad Ra lolas diolas give best results W IL Al mehner eliner authorized iealer dealer tt guaranteed USED FORDS 1321 1921 touring 1321 1924 runabout 1921 1924 coupe axel ael reach PEACH MOTOR CO aa tt tf FOH fog SA ALE LEtFord ford coupe late moilen J will smith 23 LEGAL NOTICES NOT ICES OTICE NOTICE N of I 1 INTENTION notice is hereby given by the city cit Y council C bouncil of brigham city ci ty utah 0 of the intention ot of such city council to make the following described improvements to wit C cut u t the grass sprinkle with wa water te r a and nd otherwise maintain parking district no 1 I during the year 1926 and defray the abut abutters tors portion of 0 the cost thereof by a special assessment upon the lots and pieces of ground to be affected or benefited by such maintenance te nance and to be assessed according to front feet feel situated on b both ath sides of main alain street between 3rd ard and ath south streets the estimated cost is 10 cents per front foot all protests or objections to such improvements or to the carrying out of such intention must be in whitin writing g signed by the owners of the property affected or benefited describing the same together with the number of front feet and be tiled filed with wath the city recorder on or before the day of april 1926 the city council at its first regular meeting thereafter to wit the day of may 1926 will consider the proposed levy and hear and consider such protests and objections to said improvements as shall have been made by order of the city council of brigham city utah dated april 1 I 1926 JESSIE B JENSEN city recorder first publication apr aar 2 1926 la last st publication apr aar 23 1926 published in box elder in the first judicial district court in and for box elder county state of utah IC C belcher plaintiff vs hulbert 13 robbins bobbins and mary E robbins robbing his wife defendants SUMMONS the state of utah to the said defendants fend ants you are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after th the beryl service ce of this summons upon you it if served within the county in n which this action is brought otherwise within thirty days after service and defend the above entitled action and la in case of your failure so to do judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint which has been tiled filed with the clerk ot of said bourt this action is brought tor for the purpose of foreclosing that certain mortgage executed by the defendants herein under date of april 27 1917 given to secure a note in the sum of and mortgaging the following described property situated in box elder county state of utah to wit all of section 9 township 14 north of range 12 west salt lake meridian G H L P BACKMAN attys allys tor for plaintiff P 0 address no 14 east south temple street salt lake city utah ala NOTICE OF ASSESS assessment RENT curlew irrigation and reservoir company principal place ot of business snowville Snow ville utah NOTICE is hereby given that at a meeting of 0 the directors held on the day of march 1926 an assessment of eight per cent was levied on the capital stock of the corporation in the east canal and an assessment of ten per cent on the capital stock in the west canal due and payable on the 2nd and day of 0 april 1926 to ell eli graehl treasurer at his residence at snow ville utah any stock upon which these assessments may remain unpaid on the 2nd and day of may 1926 will be delinquent and advertised tor for sale at public auction and unless payment is made before will be sold on the day of may alay 1926 to pay the delinquent lin quent assessment to gether with the cost ot of advertising and expense ot of sale WM HURD secretary aa 9 16 23 snowville Snow ville utah in the district court of the first judicial district of the state ot of utah in and tor for the county of box elder beneficial lite life insurance company a corporation plaintiff vs heber bennion and susie W bennion lula B call executrix of the estate of justia justin D call deceased and lula B call personally emma H Crash Crag cad licad executrix of the estate of george W craghead deceased and emma 11 craghead 1 personally peter 0 hansen and louis J anderson defendants SHERIFFS SALE to be sold at sheriffs sale on the GUARD CAREFULLY A mothers strength should be guarded with jealous ealoha care often when vda vitality is depleted CUM S emulsion nourishing and strength j reviving is just the help j that is needed emulsion has been I 1 helping strength ex I 1 hausted hausten mothers for I 1 ma more re than fifty years T pr pric goor 60 exl 1 20 alscott bowne bloomfield NJ 0 25 4 42 ibi SUBSCRIBE FOR fon THE NEWS ath day of may imay 1926 at twelve noon at the front door of the county court house in brigham city box elder county utah all the right title claim and interest 0 of the above named defendants of in and an to the 0 following described real property situated in box elder county utah to wit beginning at a point 97 rods and 99 feet east of the southwest corner of lot three 3 in the southwest quarter of section eighteen 18 township nine 9 north range one 1 west of the salt lake meridian thence ea east alst 32 rods and 66 feet thence north 80 rods thence west 32 rods 66 feet thence south 80 rods to them place 0 of beginning also be beginning inning at a point 85 rods south of the northeast corner of 0 section 15 township 9 north range 2 west S L SI thence south 25 roc rods is thence west IGO rods thence north 25 rods thence rods to the point ot of beginning containing 23 25 acres dated this octh day ot of april 1926 terms ot of sale cash JOHN H ZUNDEL sheriff ot of box elder county utah by JOSEPH IL OLSEN a 23 3 deputy I 1 i E Y all ail purpose varnish ammonia and waterproof WHAT a finish for beauty and durability indoor or outdoor floors furniture woodwork or metal all these are beautified and protected with ALL PURPOSE use it anywhere on any lind kind of surface crystal clear of palest color it flows in n smooth amber flood under the brush levels out in in ridge lesti md even brilliance like liquid glass class and dries in a few hours apply it today its ies hard tomorrow bf ccle its ies ht cold baltor salt or fresh freshwater ater cannot disturb it even eden ammonia and adds as af they arc cannot con concluder cluer A tty PURPOSE VARNISH come in in and let ox as demone demorn frata t h 0 L acy v y K Y A t 4 i 7 L att 1 i rp a V r am i s h rc si ag s e v a fa r 0 r ammonia a 0 ni a R A lee repair shop PHONE 6 30 west forest street STRING BEADS IVA WAITED we are contracting tor for a few acres of string beans we furnish the sees seed to you at t cost the brigham city canning company ala 30 I 1 I 1 A well wisher never equals a well doer 9 a 1 m HENRY FORD ac S S S H H H H H 1 hats that noise A prowler pro aler what does he want t money silverware jewelry it keepsakes keep sakes maybe its some r crook after an important paper maybe its just the w wind inda but why endure cold chills every night when less jess than a penny a day will rent one of our safety deposit boxes WHY first national bank of brigham city there Is vo substitute for safety val 0 th t h d 21 f when we finish screening your home or place of business busine as no wes fl es need apply for admittance your choice of several different screen finishes at reasonable prices the ime merrell lu lumber M ber company compa nv a |