Show ALFALFA WEEVIL IN FILM PICTURE U S agricultural department part pait ment shows wea measures to control pest alfalfa weevil control a new motion picture of the united states department part ment of 0 agriculture gives a general 3 idea of how to combat the insect and Is of 0 particular interest in western states alfalfa Is described as the foundation of 0 agriculture in the west A hogs idea of heaven and as ag one of tae the worlds w most valuable v forages about 1904 or 1905 the alfalfa weevil which belongs to the same family as the cotton ball weevil was discovered in utah since that time it has spread slowly but steadily until now it Is found in 7 states because of the importance ot of the alfalfa crop the alfalfa weevil constitutes a serious menace several states enforce quarantine restrictions to prevent further spread of the insect and the luggage of automobile travellers trav ellers Is often examined I 1 i two measures of control are sho shown wn in the picture dusting with powdered senates arsenates ars ar is still in an experimental stage but appears to have promise of proving effective the use of poisonous lous sprays has proved its worth andl and is particularly recommended several seven types ot of sprayers sp are shown irvint ing one with a very wide boom e eral scenes showing sprayed d ani U unsprayed fields side by side are particularly ticul arly interesting in depicting the benefits of this method of control one spraying Is usually considered sufficient to permit plants to make new growth and protects the second crop as well as the first the film is one reel long and is a contribution from the bureau of entomology it will be circulated through the film distribution system of the department of agriculture and the cooperation state institutions copies may be borrowed for short periods or may be brought by authorized purchasers at the laboratory charge |