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Show Alex. Hales DRAY and TRANSFER Phono 34-W Nothing too Big! Nothing to Small! In or Out of Town Conveyance to Springs Car loaves Drug Store Cornor at 8 o'clock every Evening. GARLAND, - - - UTAH. I DON'T FAIL (I I To Attend L the I Grand Ball to be given at the U li.D.S.l I Hall I linn Tremonton Wednesday J Evening Aug. 13th, I By the i 1 Garland fl Military I Band Everybody i I Will Be I IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE GARLAND GLOBE ami ""irTnin i CLASS.FiD II r - - Lost Four Head of Horses, viz: Ono bay horse, 10 years old, branded on left thigh; Ono sorrel maro, 8 years old, branded C4 on loft shoulder; One black horse, 8 years old, branded C4 on left shoulder; Ono1 black maro, 6 years old, branded C4 on left shoulder. Finder plcaso notify Charles Garner of Malad City, Idaho, or J. II. Archibald of Garland. Reward. Re-ward. Aug. 2-9-adv. 1 Found Bunch of keys. Call and pay 10c for advertisement. Home for rent and two good milk cows for sale. Enquire of A. A. Munns, Garland North lt- adv. FOR SALE CHEAP Silver concert horn complete, with' solid leather case. Apply to Alma Farnswort, at Fhishburn's fTremonton, Utah. jyl2-tfadv. Open all tho time. Hours 9 0 4. SPangler's Photo Studio, fThomonton. Utah. m24-tf .FOR SALE Good homo to Garland at a bargain. Situated on Factory street Enquire of Harry PnBsoy, 803 20th St, Ogden, Utah, or John J. Shum-way, Shum-way, Garland. ml7-tf-adv. Your Money jj DRAWS Ij j! INTEREST j!! 1 . . j j When it is in the sav- j i ings department of this j i bank. j It earns nothing when ! i carried in your pock-1 ets. j ! Open an Account ! I TO-PAY j The Bank of Garland j Garland Cafe a good place to EAT meals at all hours. MI?S. G. S. MOWUY, Prop Gail and, Utah. Garland Milling Company Com-pany Manufacturers of the Famous PRIDE OF UTAH Straight (I rude FLOUR Also all kinds of Mill Stuff The best mill in tho Boar River Valley Highest nnsli prion paid foi OOL) WHEAT. Wheat tie i:pted for storage to bo duiwu it iu flour. TUE DEl'OT Uai.A.id, ... Utah WM. E. DAVIS LAWYER Practices in all Courts First National Bank Bldg BRIGHAM. UTAH Had ley's GARAGE and LIVERY Tremonton, Utah Phone 18 Cars at nil times for Pas Reuger Traffic to all parts of I lie county. Automobiles repaired and enred for by the day or week ( Oasolnc. Oils and Supplier Let Had! "aul You i Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and I Repaired I Coomb & Prsson Company THE CLOTHIERS I Tremonton Furniture Co. LICENSED EMBALMERS AND Undertakers MODERNLY EQUIPPED Tho Most UP-TO-DATE U MORGUE i In Northorn Utah Tremonton, Utah .Night Phono 91 Garland City HOTEL i 0. L. Farnaworth. Manager, E- QETZ EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Permanently Located I havo tho experience) and training, together with all mo- ; dorn equipment for properly tosting the eyes. I IONEST TREATMENT IBICES REASONABLE f 1 Tremonton. ... Utah - Alls a HTHEY ARE THE MOST SENSIBLE GARMENTS MADE H FOR GARAGE AND AUTO REPAIR WORK. U OUR PRICES ARE FROM H I $4.00 $5.00 : H BUY NOW, AS PRICES WILL ADVANCE ON OVER- U U ALLS WITHIN THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. jf - . ; !WE HAVE ON HAND A COMPLETE LINE OF WIN-.M CHESTER GUNS AND AMMUNITION. 4 M DO NOT FORGET THAT WE CARRY THE BEST D n line of n N GROCERIES H THAT CAN BE HAD AND OUR PRICES ARE AS , IL O W AS THE R.E S T D 4jarlandr-a i PHONE No. 6 Q o |